Automate Workflows in Onna
  • 26 Jun 2024
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Automate Workflows in Onna

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Article summary

The most valuable commodity today - both professionally and personally - is time. How do we rethink what we are doing every day to ensure we are focused on the most important and impactful things? At Onna, we strive to offer best-in-class solutions for optimizing and automating workflows so customers can maximize efficiency and productivity savings.

Automation #1: Export Templates

Manual Challenge: Losing valuable time ensuring the same metadata and export selections are made for exports.

Solution: Save export configurations as a template so you can standardize metadata selections as well as minimize the time necessary to produce collections.

Automation #2: Save & Share Searches

Manual Challenge: Losing valuable time when running identical searches across different datasets.

Solution: Save and share searches for common collection scenarios so users are not constantly recreating configurations from scratch.

Note: Only the syntax of the search will be saved. The space or source in which the search originated will not be included in the saved search query.

Common Scenarios

  • How do I search for all conversations between custodians with a specified date range while including attachments?

  • How do I search for all private conversations between custodians (active/inactive) while capturing dates and attachments?

  • How do I search for all private and channel conversations made by a single custodian (active/inactive) while capturing attachments?

  • How do I search for a specific term(s) across all private and public messages?

Automation #3: Authorized Connections

Manual Challenge: Compounding inefficiencies when data source management is limited to only one Admin, therefore making task completion and/or data source troubleshooting dependent upon a single Admin’s schedule and/or availability.

Solution: Securely share required enterprise credentials with other Onna admins so enterprise data sources can be managed more efficiently and effectively.


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