Creating Smart Alerts
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Creating Smart Alerts

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Article summary

Creating and Managing Smart Alerts

In this article:

  • How to Create a Smart Alert

  • How to Create a Smart Alert from a Saved Search

  • How to Manage a Smart Alert

  • How to Delete a Smart Alert

How to Create a Smart Alert

Smart alerts allow you to send notifications or label documents every time you get a match for search criteria. The alert will be triggered by new data being added to your account that matches the criteria you set. To create a smart alert, follow the steps below:

Step 1

You can begin by clicking the ‘+’ sign next to ‘Smart alerts’ in the main menu (a).

Alternatively, you can also click on ‘Smart alerts’ in the main menu and then either click the blue ‘Add Smart Alert’ button (a),if it’s your first alert, or click the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen (c).

Step 2

You’ll now see a window pop up called ‘Create a new smart alert’. First, you’ll add a name for your alert in the ‘Alert name’ field (a).

Next, you have the option of adding a description for your alert in the ‘Description’ field (b).

Step 3

After naming your alert and adding a description you will set the conditions for your alert. First, you’ll select the location you want the alert to run against by clicking the arrow in the ‘Source or workspace’ field (a).

Then, Next, you’ll select the areas you want to search in. You have four options from the dropdown menu in the ‘Search in’ field (b):

  • Text content- the text of files within the source or workspace

  • File Name- the names of files within the source or workspace

  • Person- this searches against the indexed related users, which includes active participants in conversations or the participants in an email.

  • Saved Query- Search parameters that have previously been saved in the ‘Saved Queries’ section of search. You are able to select a saved query by the name of the query.

  • Tag- any tags associated with files, sources, or workspaces within your chosen location.

Finally, you’ll add the text of the exact match you’re looking for in the ‘Matches’ field (c). When this exact match is found in the location and item you’re running your alert against, you will receive an alert.

Step 4

Once your alert conditions are defined, you will select the action you want to happen. In the ‘Action’ field (a) you will have four options to choose from in the dropdown menu:

  • Add tag- this option will allow you to define a tag you want added when your alert criteria are met.

  • Email user-this option will send an alert to one email address of your choosing.

  • Notify user- this option will allow you to choose one active Onna user to receive a notification within your Onna site when alert criteria are met.

  • Share with user-this option will allow you to choose one active Onna user to share the file (that triggered the alert) with.

You’ll then add either the tag you want added or the email address of the user you want alerted in the field below the ‘Action’ field (b).

Finally, to create your alert click the blue ‘Done’ button (c).

Step 5

You’ll now see your alert appear in your list of Smart alerts.

How to Create a Smart Alert from a Saved Search

Once you’ve created a saved search, you’re able to create a smart alert that will trigger an action when conditions match the results of the search query. To set up a smart alert based on a saved search query, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click into the search bar.

Step 2

Once on the search page, click on the ‘Saved Queries’ tab.

Step 3

Then, find the saved query you want to set up an alert against, and click on the ellipsis on the right side of the query row.

Step 4

From the dropdown menu that appears, click ‘Create smart alert’.

Step 5

You’ll now see the ‘Create a new smart alert’ window appear just as it would when creating an alert from inside the ‘Smart Alerts’ page. However, you’ll notice that the ‘Search in’ and ‘Matches’ fields have been auto filled with the name of your saved query.

How to Manage a Smart Alert

Once you have a smart alert set up you’re able to disable and enable alerts as you need them. To do so, follow the steps below:

Disable Smart Alert

To disable an active smart alert, first click on the ellipsis to the right of the alert you want to manage (a). Then, click on ‘Disable’ from the dropdown menu that appears (b).

Enable Smart Alert

To disable an active smart alert, first click on the ellipsis to the right of the alert you want to manage (a). Then, click on ‘Enable’ from the dropdown menu that appears (b).

How to Delete a Smart Alert

When a smart alert is no longer needed, you’re able to delete it from your list of alerts. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on the ellipsis to the right of the smart alert you want to delete (a). From the dropdown menu that appears, select the ‘Delete’ option (b).

Step 2

You’ll now see a pop up box appear asking you to confirm you want to delete your alert. To confirm and delete, click the red trash can icon.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence