How to Copy Files
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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How to Copy Files

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Article summary

In this article you will learn how to:

  • Copying Files Using the Search Bar

  • Copying Files by Manual Selection

Copying Files Using the Search Bar

If you need to copy all results from a search to a new location you can do that by copying results directly from the search bar. To do so, first, complete the search you want to perform, and then follow the steps below:

Understanding Copy Choices from the Search Bar

When you copy files to a folder using the search bar you will have the option to Copy search results only, or Copy search results and family members.

Copy search results only: Choosing this option will result in copying the search results, and any children of the search results you’re copying. For example, if search results include a child resource only and not the parent, the parent will not be included when copying, nor would any of the resource’s siblings. However, if search results include a file that has children, those children would be copied along with the parent file that showed up in the search results.

  • Example 1: A search result included a parent file, which had three children that were NOT in the search result. The result of this copy would be 4 files, 1 parent and 3 children.

  • Example 2: A search result included 1 of the children from above, and NOT the parent. The result of this copy would only be 1 file, the child file.

Copy search results and family members: Choosing this option will result in copying the search results and the entire family tree of those resources. For example, if a child resource was included in that search result, choosing this option will also copy the parent and any siblings of that child resource.

  • Example 1: A search result included a parent, which had 3 children that were NOT included in the search result. The result of this copy would be 4 files, 1 parent and 3 children.

  • Example 2: A search result included 1 of the children from above, NOT the parent. As before this child also had 2 other siblings. The result of this copy would be all 4 files, 1 parent and 3 children.

Please Note:

  1. When copying resources that are included in a legal hold to a folder, the source hold remains in place on the destination resources. Resources under legal hold cannot be deleted or overwritten.

  2. Copying keeps--via overwriting--only one copy of a file if there are duplicates in the original selection. Therefore, if you attempt to copy duplicates of a resource under hold, you will see errors for each duplicate resource beyond the initial version copied. These errors can be ignored. The files in the destination will be as expected.

Step 1:

After completing your search, you can begin to copy your search results by clicking on the ellipsis in the search bar.

Step 2:

Next, a dropdown menu will appear. From this menu select ‘Copy results to folder’.

Step 3:

You now have a choice to:

  1. Copy search results only

  2. Copy search results and family members

Select the option that best meets your needs.

Step 4:

Next you’ll choose where you want to copy the files to. Navigate the menu that appears to find the location that best meets your needs.

Step 5:

Once you’ve selected the location you’d like to copy your files to, you’ll click on the blue button that says ‘Copy here’ (a).

Alternatively, if you need to create a new folder to copy the items to, you can do that by clicking on ‘Add new folder’ (b)

Step 6:

After clicking ‘Copy here’ you’ll see a small window pop up on your screen. This progress window will tell you where you’re copying your search results to, as well as the progress of copying those files.

Step 7:

Finally, once your search results have completed copying, you’ll see a new window pop up onto your screen indicating your files were successfully copied. To get more information simply

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of the pop up window.

  2. Notice how many items were successfully copied.

  3. Notice how many files failed to copy.

Step 8:

If some items have failed to copy you have the ability to retry copying just the failed files by clicking on ‘Retry’ next to the notification that items failed to copy.


Please note:

  1. As search results are copied they need to be reindexed. As such, there may be a delay between when your files finish copying and when they show up in the location you’re copying to. By refreshing the browser you’ll be able to see the total number of files increasing in that folder, which is a good indicator of the copying progress

  2. While the copy is in progress do not make modifications to the source itself (such as deleting it) or make changes to the destination folder. This can cause a disruption in the copy process and will result in errors.

Copying Files by Manual Selection

There may be times when you don’t need to copy an entire set of search results, but just a few files from a workspace, file, or set of search results. You are able to do this by manually selecting the files you want to copy. Follow the steps below to learn how to copy files by manual selection:

Understanding Copy Choices from Manual Selection

When you copy files to a folder by manual selection you will have the option to Copy files only, or Copy files and family members.

Copy files only: Choosing this option will result in copying the selected files and any children of those files. For example, if a selected file is a child resource only and not the parent, the parent will not be included when copying, nor would any of the resource’s siblings. However, if the selected file is one that has children, those children would be copied along with the parent file that you selected.

Copy files and family members: Choosing this option will result in copying the selected files and the entire family tree of those files. For example, if a child resource was selected to copy, choosing this option will also copy the parent and any siblings of that child resource.

Please Note:

  1. When copying resources that are included in a legal hold to a folder, the source hold remains in place on the destination resources. Resources under legal hold cannot be deleted or overwritten.

  2. Copying keeps--via overwriting--only one copy of a file if there are duplicates in the original selection. Therefore, if you attempt to copy duplicates of a resource under hold, you will see errors for each duplicate resource beyond the initial version copied. These errors can be ignored. The files in the destination will be as expected.

Step 1:

After navigating to the space where the files you want to copy are stored, you can manually select files clicking on the icon directly to the left of the file name.

Step 2:

Once you click on the icon to the left of the file name you’ll:

  1. See that the icons have turned to checked boxes indicating these are files to be copied.

  2. Click on the ellipsis in the right corner of one of the selected files.

Step 3:

From the dropdown menu that appears select the option ‘Copy selected to…’

Step 4:

You now have a choice to:

  1. Copy files only

  2. Copy files and family members

Select the option that best meets your needs.

Step 5:

Next, you’ll:

  1. Navigate to the location you want to copy the selected files

  2. Click the blue ‘Copy here’ button in the bottom right corner of the menu.

Step 6:

After clicking ‘Copy here’ you’ll see a small window pop up on your screen. This progress window will tell you where you’re copying your selection to, as well as the progress of copying those files.

Step 7:

Finally, once your files have completed copying you’ll see a new window pop up onto your screen indicating your files were successfully copied.


Please note:

As selected files are copied they need to be reindexed. As such, there may be a delay between when your files finish copying and when they show up in the location you’re copying to. By refreshing the browser you’ll be able to see the total number of files increasing in that folder, which is a good indicator of the copying progress

While the copy is in progress do not make modifications to the source itself (such as deleting it) or make changes to the destination folder. This can cause a disruption in the copy process and will result in errors.


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