How to Create and Manage Holds
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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How to Create and Manage Holds

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Create a Hold

  • How to Edit a Hold

  • How to View Hold Details

  • How to Download a Custodian List

  • How to Release a Hold

  • How to Delete a Hold

How to Create a Hold

After adding custodians, you are able to create a hold for any or all of the custodians you have added to your active matter. Creating a hold means that the data for the custodians you select will be preserved in the native application.

Before you are able to create a hold you must:

  • Have an established authorized connection with special permissions enabled.

  • Have custodians added to your matter.

Once you have met the requirements above, you can create a new hold by following the steps below.

Step 1

Select ‘Integrated legal holds’ from the main menu.

Step 2

By default you will be taken to the ‘Matters’ page within Integrated Legal Holds. From this page, click the name of the matter you want to add a hold to.

Step 3

Once inside the matter, click on ‘Holds’ in the ‘Holds details’ section of the matter.

Step 4

You can now begin creating a hold by clicking the blue ‘Create a new hold’ button (a) or by clicking the gray ‘+’ icon on the right side of the screen (b).

Step 5

Your next step is to choose the application in which you want to place a hold. Currently, you’re able to place holds in Slack Enterprise or Google Workspace.

Step 6

You’ll now be taken to a configuration page. On this page, the first thing you’ll do is ensure that the authorized connection being used is correct (a). If you need to add a new/different authorized connection with In-Place Preservation enabled, click the ‘Authorized connection’ link (b). When the correct authorized connection is selected, you’ll then click on the arrow next to ‘Content’ (c).

Step 7

Depending on the application you want to hold data in, you can select the content you want retained in-app.

In Google Workspace (a), you’re able to hold all emails, and/or either My Drive and Shared Drive files or My Drive files only.

In Slack Enterprise (b), you’re able to hold all conversations or only direct and multiparty messages.

After you’ve selected your content, click the blue ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 8

After you’ve selected the content you want held, you’ll now click the arrow in the ‘Custodians’ field to choose your custodians.

Step 9

You’ll now see a list of all custodians that you’ve added to your matter. From the list that appears (a), select the custodians you want to include in your hold. Then, click on the blue ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the screen (b).

Step 10

Once you’ve added your custodians you will click on the arrow in the ‘Preservation period’ field to set the dates for your preservation.

Step 11

On the ‘Preservation period’ screen you will select the preservation start date (a) and end date (b). Then, you’ll click the blue ‘Apply’ button (c).

Note: Once the hold is created, the preservation period cannot be changed. If you want to preserve data for a different date range, you must create a new hold.

For Google, the preservation period only applies to Gmail. For Google Drive, the entire content of the custodian's drive is held. Google does not enable preservation date ranges for Google Drive.

Step 12

After you’ve selected the content and custodians you want to include in your hold you can click the blue ‘Done’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 13

You’ll now see your new ‘Hold’ appear in the list of holds associated with the matter (a). If, for some reason, a custodian could not be added to a hold, you will see an error icon appear next to the number of custodians included with the hold (b). To get more information, View Holds Details or Download a Custodian List

Note: By default, a hold with zero custodians is no longer active, so it is automatically released. Thus, if you create a hold and no custodian emails you’ve added match those in the source application, your hold will be created but show as released. You are able to view more details about custodians in the custodians section when Viewing Hold Details.

How to Edit a Hold

Once you’ve added a hold to a matter, it is possible to add new custodians to the hold. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on the ‘Holds’ tab in the ‘Hold details’ section of the Matter page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the hold you want to edit (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown that appears, select ‘Edit hold’.

Step 3

Next, click on the arrow next to the ‘Custodians’ field.

Step 4

You can now add custodians to the hold by clicking the box next to the name of the custodian you want to add (a).

Note: In order to add a custodian to a hold, you first have to add them to the matter. Additionally, you cannot release custodians from a hold in this location, you must go to the ‘Custodian’ tab to release them from the hold.

Finally, click the blue ‘Apply’ button (b) to add the new custodian.

How to View Hold Details

After you’ve created a hold, it is possible to view account and custodian details for that hold. To view hold details follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on the ‘Holds’ tab in the ‘Hold details’ section of the Matter page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the hold you want to view details for (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown that appears, select ‘Hold details’.

Step 3

You’ll now see the ‘Hold details’ window pop-up. By default, you’ll view ‘Account’ details (a). Under ‘Account’ details you’ll see information including the preservation period, the hold status and hold creation date, the hold creator and the content that has been included in the hold (b).

Step 4

You can then click on the ‘Custodians’ tab (a) inside the ‘Hold details’ window to view details about the custodians included in the hold. Details include:

Number of custodians placed on hold-The number of custodians that are included in the hold

Number of custodians not found-The number of custodians who had an email that could not be found in the source application

Number of custodians not able to be placed on hold-The number of custodians that could be found in the source application, but could not be preserved for another reason

Number of custodians released-The number of custodians that have been released from this hold

Reasons why a custodian cannot be found- Explanation of why a custodian could not be found

Reasons why a custodian cannot be placed on a hold-Explanation of why a custodian could not be placed on hold

How to Download a Custodian List

It is possible to download a .csv file of all custodians included in a single hold from the holds details window. This file includes many hold specific details for each custodian. To download a custodian list follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on the ‘Holds’ tab in the ‘Hold details’ section of the Matter page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the hold you want to download custodians for(b).

Step 2

From the dropdown that appears, select ‘Hold details’.

Step 3

Once on the ‘Hold details’ window, click into the ‘Custodians’ section (a), then click on the ‘Download list of custodians’ button at the bottom of the window (b).

Step 4

Your custodian .csv will then download. Details that are included in the download are:

  • Custodian name

  • Custodian email

  • Role -whether the custodian is silent or not

  • If the custodian was found

  • If the custodian was put on hold

  • The date the custodian was put on hold.

How to Release a Hold

If you no longer need to retain the data for the custodians included in your hold, you can release the hold. By releasing the hold, the data for all the associated custodians will no longer be preserved in your application. The hold will still appear in your list of holds related to the matter, but its status will change from ‘Active’ to ‘Released.’

Once you release a hold, it is not possible to restore it to the matter. You would need to create a new hold.

Step 1

Once inside the matter, click on ‘Holds’ in the ‘Holds details’ section of the matter (a). Then, click on the ellipsis next to the hold you want to release (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Release hold.’

Step 3

You’ll now see a pop-up appear asking you to confirm that you want to release the hold. To do so, click the blue ‘Release’ button (a). If you decide you want to keep the hold for this matter click the gray ‘Keep’ button (b).

Step 4

After releasing a hold, you’ll see that the status of the hold has been changed from ‘Active’ to ‘Released’.

How to Delete a Hold

When you no longer need to retain the data included in a hold and you don’t need the hold included in your list of holds associated with the matter, you can delete the hold. Please note that in order to delete a hold, you must first release the hold. Without releasing a hold, it is not possible to delete it.

If you need to delete a hold from a matter, it is important that you delete that hold in Onna before deleting the hold in the source application. If you delete the hold in the source application before you delete the hold in Onna, it will not be possible to delete the hold from your matter in Onna.

If you delete a hold from your matter, it is no longer possible to access the details of the hold. This action cannot be undone.

Step 1

Once inside the matter, click on ‘Holds’ in the ‘Holds details’ section of the matter (a). Then, click on the ellipsis next to the hold you want to delete (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Delete hold’

Step 3

You’ll now see a pop-up appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the hold from your matter. To do so, click the red ‘Delete’ button (a). If you decide you want to keep hold in your list of holds related to the matter, click the gray ‘Keep’ button (b).


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