How to Use Cloud Transfer
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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How to Use Cloud Transfer

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Article summary

In this article you will learn:

  • The Benefits of Cloud Transfer

  • Creating a Cloud Transfer Connection

  • Using a Cloud Transfer for Exporting

  • How to Use Cloud Transfer Video Tutorial

The Benefits of Cloud Transfer

There are two main benefits to taking advantage of cloud transfers when exporting:

  1. Increased Efficiency-Exporting data can become a time-consuming task when you have to wait for the download to finish and then upload it to your review tool. With cloud transfer, you can export data directly to a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) destination and load it automatically in your preferred review tool.

  2. Improved Data Security-By bypassing downloads to personal devices or local servers you have more control over your data and increased security.

Creating a Cloud Transfer Connection

To establish a Cloud Transfer for the seamless transfer of exported files/folders, users must ensure that the provided SFTP credentials possess the requisite permissions. Specifically, the credentials should have both read and write access to any files/folders located within the directories to which the credentials have access. Before initiating the connection, please verify that these permissions are correctly configured to avoid disruptions or access issues.

In order to take advantage of the benefits of cloud transfers for creating exports, an Onna administrator must first create a cloud transfer connection. A cloud transfer connection is how you specify the location inside the destination where the data from your export should be sent via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Before you export your data it is important to know exactly where you want to send your export to inside your SFTP destination. It is important to know that if you want to send exported data to different folders inside your SFTP destination (for example, you want to separate data for different matters into different folders), you must establish a new cloud transfer connection for each folder. When sending an export to a specific folder inside your SFTP destination, be sure the folder name is accurate. If you misspell it, Onna will create a new folder using the name you specified. Finally, if you reuse the same cloud transfer connection for all your matters, a subfolder will be created inside the main folder for each export using the Export Query as the folder name.

To create a new Cloud Transfer Connection, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

To begin setting up a cloud transfer connection click on your user profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 2:

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Authorized connections’.

Step 3:

Once you’re on the ‘Authorized connections’ page:

  1. Click on the arrow next to ‘Cloud transfers’

  2. Click ‘Add Cloud credentials’

Step 4:

You’ll now see a pop-up appear. From here you will decide which type of credentials you want to use to create a cloud transfer:

  • SFTP (Password)

  • SFTP (Private key)

Establish a Connection Using ‘SFTP (Password)’

If you prefer to connect to your SFTP with a username and password, collect the details from your IT department and then follow these steps:

Step 1:

Add SFTP Connection Credentials (see a.-f.) For more information about each field, see the list below.

  1. Click on the blue ‘Test connection’ button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Field Name Definitions

  1. Cloud service name - the name used to identify the cloud transfer. This must not exceed 60 characters.

  2. Host name - the domain name of theSFTP server you are connecting to. (e.g., )

  3. Port number - the port number that the SFTP server will listen to for your connection request.

  4. Folder path - The folder structure path on where you would like your exports to be stored when the transfer completes. If the folder does not exist, Onna will create the folder on your behalf.

  5. Username - The user name given to you by the IT Manager used to authenticate the connection.

  6. Password - The password given to you by the IT Manager used to authenticate the connection

Step 2:

You will know your connection is successful after testing when the fields are green and have green check marks next to them.

If your connection failed when testing you will see fields highlighted in red that require attention.

Once you’ve tested your connection, click on the blue ‘Save’ button.

Step 3:

After clicking on ‘Save’ you’ll see a new pop-up appear asking you if you want to continue with the following fingerprint.

  1. Here you can see the MD5 hash. You can share it with your IT department to verify that your connection is safe from man-in-the-middle attacks.

  2. Once you’re ready to continue creating the connection, click on the blue arrow.

Step 4:

From here you will be able to see your new cloud transfer connection listed under the ‘Cloud transfers’ section on the ‘Authorized connections’ page.

Establish a Connection Using ‘SFTP (Private key)’
This SFTP option provides a more secure connection to the SFTP server. The IT Manager is responsible for creating your SFTP account with a personal public and private key pair. The private key can only be decrypted by the public key that is stored on the SFTP server. If these do not match, the authentication will fail.

Once the IT Manager has produced the authentication credentials you need to connect to an SFTP server, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Add SFTP Connection Credentials (see a.-f.) For more information about each field, see the list below.

  1. Click on the blue ‘Test connection’ button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Field Name Definitions

  1. Cloud service name - the name used to identify the cloud transfer. This must not exceed 60 characters.

  2. Host name - the domain name of the SFTP server you are connecting to. (e.g., )

  3. Port number - the port number that the SFTP server will listen to for your connection request.

  4. Folder path - The folder structure path on where you would like your exports to be stored when the transfer completes. If the folder does not exist, Onna will create the folder on your behalf.

  5. Username - The user name given to you by the IT Manager used to authenticate the connection.

  6. The Private key- The private key contains many characters. Be sure to copy everything from:

    1. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    2. through

    3. -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Step 2:

You will know your connection is successful after testing when the fields are green and have green check marks next to them.

If your connection failed when testing you will see fields highlighted in red that require attention.

Once you’ve tested your connection, click on the blue ‘Save’ button.

Step 3:

After clicking on ‘Save’ you’ll see a new pop-up appear asking you if you want to continue with the following fingerprint.

  1. Here you can see the MD5 hash. You can share it with your IT department to verify that your connection is safe from man-in-the-middle attacks.

  2. Once you’re ready to continue creating the connection, click on the blue arrow.

Step 4:

From here you will be able to see your new cloud transfer connection listed under the ‘Cloud transfers’ section on the ‘Authorized connections’ page.

Using a Cloud Transfer for Exporting

Once you have established a cloud transfer connection, you are then able to use it when creating your export. To export data using cloud transfer, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

After you begin your export you will see a pop-up appear to begin your export workflow. Here you will:

  1. Name your export.

  2. Choose your export type and template if applicable.

  3. Click on the blue ‘Continue’ button.

Step 2:

Next, you will need to:

  1. Enable cloud transfer for export by toggling to the right.

  2. Choose the cloud transfer you want to use from the dropdown.

  3. Add any Onna users you would like to receive an email when the export is complete (Optional)

  4. Click on the blue ‘Continue’ button.

Step 3:

Once you’ve configured and started your export you can monitor the progress of your export in the export section of your Onna Site. Once your cloud transfer is complete you will see this indicated on the progress screen for your export.

Step 4:

As you monitor the progress of your export you will see an error message if your export has failed. If it has failed you can click on the ellipsis next to ‘Cloud transfer (SFTP)’ and select either ‘Retry transfer’ or ‘Unlink cloud transfer’ from the dropdown menu that appears.

Cloud Transfer Credentials

In order to export using a cloud transfer, a user must have access to cloud transfer credentials.

At times, it may not be possible to export using a cloud transfer due to an issue with the credentials for that cloud transfer. Below is a list of errors that could cause the export to fail and how to resolve the issue.




Expired Credentials

The credentials used to create the cloud transfer connection have expired.

Update the credentials within the SFTP destination and then renew the credentials in Onna.

Revoked Credentials

The cloud transfer connection credentials that had been shared with you have been revoked by the user who shared them with you.

Contact the user who shared the credentials to resolve the issue.

Requirements for Unlinking Cloud Transfers

It is possible to unlink a cloud transfer in cases where a cloud transfer may have failed. In order to unlink the cloud transfer it must meet one of the following conditions:

  • It hasn’t been started (in ‘pending’ state)

  • It has been deleted or canceled (in ‘canceled state)

  • It’s credentials have expired in Onna or modified origin (failed state)

  • There is a problem in the server: The user doesn’t have permission, the server is unavailable,or there is not enough space on the server (failed state)

Keep in mind that if the credentials were deleted in Onna (failed state) the user won’t be able to unlink, the only option available in this case is to link a new cloud transfer.


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