Jira_ How to Connect and Collect
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Jira_ How to Connect and Collect

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Article summary

In this article:

  • Jira Overview

  • How to Connect and Collect Using Jira

Jira Overview

Jira is a project management and issue tracking platform used mainly by software development teams. Onna directly connects with Jira's API to collect all information in native format.

Connector Features

Authorized Connection Required? No

Is identity mapping supported? No

Audit logs available? Yes

Admin Access? Yes

Supports a full archive? Yes

Custodian based collections? No

In-place preservations supported? No

Resumable sync supported? Yes

Preserve in place with ILH? No

Syncs future users automatically? No

Sync modes supported:

  • One-time sync

  • Auto-sync

  • Auto-sync and archive

Is file versioning supported? No

Note: Source Holds are supported by our Jira connector.

Types of Data Collected

Metadata Collected

All files are synced, including, but not limited to:

  • Issues-Including description, name, creator, updater, status, type, progress, priority, resolution, due date, summary, components, original estimate, time spent, votes, issue links, and custom fields.

  • Attachments

  • Comments

  • Project key-The text identifier field used to identify the project

  • Project name- The name of a project

  • Project type- How a project is categorized in Jira. For example, software, business, or service desk

Jira Considerations

  • Since Jira native files are in html format, we take what Jira's API returns and format it like a ticket.

How to Connect and Collect Using Jira

When you’re ready to set up a sync using Onna’s Jira connector, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Navigate to the workspace where you want to set up your sync.

Inside that workspace click on the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen to ‘Add source’.

Step 2

You will now see a list of all sources enabled for your organization. Find and select the ‘Jira’ source.

Step 3

You’ll now name your source in the ‘Name’ field (a) and add your Jira site URL in the ‘Host name’ field (b).

Step 4

You now have the option of connecting to Jira in two ways.

First, you can ‘Login with User and API Token’ (a). Here you’ll enter your user name and then get an API token from Jira (b). To generate an Atlassian API token, follow the instructions.

The second method of connecting is to ‘Login with User and Password’ (c). To do this you’ll simply enter your Jira username and password.

Step 5

Next, you’ll click on ‘Configure’ to select which data to sync and your preferred sync mode.

Step 6

To configure you’ll first select the projects that you want to sync (a). Then, you’ll scroll to the bottom of the configuration window (b).

Step 7

You’ll now click the arrow to the right of the ‘Synchronization mode’ field to select your sync mode from the dropdown that appears.

Step 8

Next, you’ll set up your sync dates (a). If you’ve chosen a one-time sync you will enter a ‘Sync start date’ and a ‘Sync end date’. If you’ve chosen auto-sync or auto-sync and archive you will select a ‘Sync start date’ only. Note: Leaving the ‘Sync start date’ empty will lead to the collection of all available data Jira.

Finally, you’ll click the blue ‘Done’ button (b).

Step 9

Your sync is now in progress and visible inside the workspace you added it to. To learn more, see the article "How to Monitor Your Source Sync Status.”


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