May 2023 Release Notes
  • 14 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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May 2023 Release Notes

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Article summary

New Features

Improved Features

Gmail Performance Enhancements

We are excited to announce that we have significantly improved the collection speed for data coming from Gmail. In a test environment we were able to reduce the collection and processing time for a large sample data set of Gmail data from 20+ hours to under 5 hours.

The best news? You don’t have to do anything differently. Your upcoming re-syncs for existing auto-sync Gmail sources will continue as set up but will now move faster as will any new syncs set up from this point on. The process for setting up a new Gmail sync is the same as it was prior to the improvements.

In order to ensure all customers have a smooth experience, these Gmail performance improvements will be rolled out to customers over the course of the summer months. To learn more visit Google Workspace: How to Connect and Collect

Enhanced Export Management

109303 and 109297 and 109304 (S10) You are now able to change the name of an export after the export has been created from two places. First, you can change the name of any export from the list of exports on the ‘Export’ main page. The second place you can change the export name is on the detail page for the export. Having the ability to change the name of exports allows you to differentiate between exports easily. Learn more about How to Share and Manage Exports.

Additional Data Now Collected from Jira

111860 (S10) We are now able to collect children issue information within Jira, such as the key, status, subject, and assignee of sub-issues in the parent issue. In addition, we are also now able to collect the history and work log sections from Jira issues. The ability to collect additional data from Jira allows for better discovery and data management.

Updated User Guides


  • Identity Mapping


  • Getting Started with Search in Onna

  • Viewing Search Results in Onna

  • How to Save and Manage Search Queries

  • How to Use Filters


  • Confluence: How to Connect and Collect

  • Jira: How to Connect and Collect

  • Microsoft OneDrive Enterprise: How to Connect and Collect

  • Microsoft Outlook Enterprise: How to Connect and Collect

  • Microsoft Teams Enterprise: How to Connect and Collect

  • Slack Enterprise: How to Connect and Collect

  • Zendesk: How to Connect and Collect

  • Zoom: How to Connect and Collect

Collecting and Processing

  • Onna Sync Modes

  • Onna Processing Exceptions


  • How to Configure and Download an Export

  • How to Share and Manage Exports

  • How to Create and Manage Export Templates

Fixed Issues



  • 28426 (S9) This issue, when creating an auto-sync source in Jira, causing over-collection has been resolved.

  • 71808 (S10) The issue in Slack Enterprise where users were unable to select channels for a custodian based collection has been resolved and you are able to create collections as intended.

  • 83604 (S10) The issue in Confluence where users were unable to select ‘collect links’ and/or ‘from date’ in auto-sync mode has been resolved.

  • 111048 (S10) The issue in Amazon S3 causing no additional resources to sync after receiving an error message has been resolved and data is syncing as expected.

  • 108561 (S10) The issue in Microsoft Teams causing missing extensions in attachments has been resolved.

  • 111119 (S10) The issue with disrupted syncs in Confluence has been resolved.

eDiscovery App


  • 109172 (S9) The issue causing Group IDs to be missing from exports has been resolved.

  • 106399 (S9) The issue, when exporting neighboring Slack conversations, causing the same document to be exported multiple times, has been resolved.

  • 109470 (S10) The button to re-enable a download for exports has been removed from all members other than the creator of the export.


  • 106596 (S8) The issue causing Onna account owners the inability to delete workspaces not created by them has been resolved. Onna account owners are now able to delete workspaces not managed by them.

  • 78962 (S10) This issue where case sensitivity in usernames was affecting the user’s ability to access shared workspaces/collections and add Admin Credentials has been resolved.


  • 98104 (S8) The issue where a condition could not be updated when editing an advanced search has been resolved, and you can now manage advanced searches as expected.

  • 108975 (S8) The issue causing search issues with preservations has been resolved, and you are now able to search preservations as expected.

  • 107576 (S8) The issue where searches on boolean (true/false) fields were returning too many results has been resolved.

  • 98308 (S9) This issue causing “to/from” details to be missing from the details panel of a file has been resolved, and all file details are displaying correctly.

  • 99585 (S9) The issue causing smart alert queries with tag conditions to fail has been resolved, and alerts are now working as intended.

  • 103736 (S9) The issue causing saved search queries to fail loading has been resolved.

  • 110116 (S9) The issue causing all search result files to display in PDF format by default has been resolved.

  • 38855 (S9) The issue causing queries for tags ending with numbers to fail has been resolved, and all results containing tags are now displaying appropriately.

  • 98754 (S10) The issue where users are unable to save a search due to case sensitivity issues has been resolved.

Site Manager App

Syncing & Preservations

Usage Metrics App



Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence