Slack JSON Files_ How to Connect and Collect
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Slack JSON Files_ How to Connect and Collect

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Article summary

In this article:

  • Slack JSON Files Overview

  • Slack JSON Files Requirements

  • How to Connect and Collect Using Slack JSON Files

We do not recommend using this connector with production data in it’s current state. Version two of this connector will include Auditing.

Slack JSON Files Overview

In instances where you are unable to connect Slack to Onna using our Slack Enterprise or Slack connectors, or you want to collect additional metadata from our (non-enterprise)Slack connector it is possible to collect data from Slack by uploading a Slack JSON file. A JSON file exported from Slack allows you to collect data from Slack without making a direct connection to the application. Below you will find features of the Slack JSON connector, requirements for use, and step-by-step instructions to create your first Slack JSON collection.

Connector Features

Authorized Connection Required? No

Is identity mapping supported? No

Audit logs available? Yes

Admin Access? No

Supports a full archive? No

Custodian based collections? No

In-place preservations supported? No

Resumable sync supported? No

Preserve in place with ILH? No

Syncs future users automatically? No

Sync modes supported: One-Time Sync via File Upload

Is file versioning supported? No

Types of Data Collected

Metadata Collected

  • All workspaces

  • All channels, both private and public

  • Messages posted on channels

  • Direct messages (DMS)

  • Multi-person instant messages (mpim)

  • Edited and deleted messages (only available if 'Keep Everything' is selected as a setting in Slack Enterprise)

  • Files posted on channels, DMs and mpims

  • Recorded Slack audio and video clips

  • Posts created in the files section, channels, DMs and mpims

  • Snippets created in the files section, channels, DMs and mpims

  • Files sent in DMs and mpims

  • All Slack and Custom Emoji reactions (On initial sync only), DMs and mpims

  • GIFs

In addition to standard metadata (file name, file size, etc) Onna also collects the following Slack specific metadata:

  • Workspace ID-The text identifier field used to identify the workspace

  • Conversation ID- Text identifier field used to identify the conversation

  • Conversation name- Categorizes the kind of conversation. For Slack this includes channels, groups (private channels), or DMs (direct messages). For Teams, channels or chat.

  • Conversation type-For conversations with a channel name, the channel name, otherwise a descriptor for the type of conversation.

Slack JSON Files Considerations

Connect and Collect Limitations

  • When uploading a new Slack JSON to Onna, it is important to wait until your JSON file is 100% uploaded before clicking the blue ‘Done’ button

  • .Slack’s JSON export will include links to attached files. Onna is able to capture those attached files so long as they have not already been deleted in origin.

    • If an attachment is deleted in Slack before the JSON export is created and ingested into Onna, the date and timestamp of the deletion will be displayed but the attachment itself cannot be collected, as it no longer exists in Slack.


  • Identity searching is unavailable. To search for individuals, you should query their Slack display name.

Slack JSON Files Requirements

  • In order to use the Slack JSON connector to create a new source, an Onna Admin will need to enable the connector in the ‘Sources’ section of the ‘Admin preferences’ page.

  • Either a Workspace Owners/Admins, Org Owners/Admins, or members with the Export Admin system role for your Slack account needs to perform an export from Slack producing a zip file that contains JSON file(s). For more information on how to export Slack data visit the Slack help center guide.

How to Connect and Collect Using Slack JSON Files

Once you have your JSON file ready to upload, follow the steps below to add your Slack data to Onna.

Step 1

Navigate to the workspace where you want to set up your sync.

Inside that workspace click on the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen to ‘Add source’.

Step 2

You will now see a list of all sources enabled for your organization. Find and select the ‘Slack JSON Connector’ source.

Step 3

You’ll now see a new window appear, ‘Upload Slack Export’. In this window, the first thing you’ll do is enter a name for your source in the ‘Name’ field (a). Then, you’ll drag and drop or browse and select Slack formatted Zip file(s) you want to upload to Onna (b).

Please Note: You are only able to upload .zip files or JSON files. It is not currently possible to upload a folder to this connector.

Step 4

After your file(s) have been uploaded click the blue ‘Done’ button.

Step 5

You’ll now see the source appear in the list of sources available in the workspace.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence