Zendesk_ How to Connect and Collect
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Zendesk_ How to Connect and Collect

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Article summary

In this article:

  • Zendesk Overview

  • Zendesk Requirements

  • How to Connect and Collect Using Zendesk

Zendesk Overview

Zendesk is a customer service software and support ticketing system. Onna connects directly with the API to collect all information in native format. The integration collects all data and metadata from a Zendesk account.

Connector Features

Authorized Connection Required? No

Is identity mapping supported? No

Audit logs available? Yes

Admin Access? Yes

Supports a full archive? Yes

Custodian based collections? No

Preserve in place with ILH? No

Resumable sync supported? Yes

Supports Onna preservation? No

Syncs future users automatically? No

Sync modes supported:

  • One-time sync

  • Auto-sync

  • Auto-sync and archive

Is file versioning supported? No

Note: Source Holds are supported by our Zendesk connector.

Types of Data Collected

Metadata Collected

  • Tickets (open, closed, suspended, deleted)

  • Attachments included in tickets

  • Labels for attachments and pages

  • Ancestors for the page/attachments

  • Ticket ID-The reference number or ID to identify the ticket

  • Ticket Name-The title or name of the ticket

  • Ticket Type-The category that the ticket is classified as. For example, incident, problem, question, task

  • Organization- The ID of an organization

  • Ticket Status-The status of the ticket. For example, new, open, or pending

  • Assignee- The user(s) who the ticket is assigned to

  • Ticket requester- The user who requested the ticket

  • Ticket responsible- The assigned user or group to the ticket

  • Group-The group the ticket is assigned to. For example, support

  • Ticket Priority-The assigned priority of the ticket. For example, normal, high, or urgent

  • Tags-The list of tags associated to the ticket in the origin

Zendesk Considerations

Please consider the following nuances related to the Zendesk connector:

  • Zendesk applications have API rate limits. For more information on the limits your type of Zendesk account has visit their page. This will impact the speed of ingestion into Onna. For extremely large collections we highly suggest contacting your customer success for assistance.

  • Zendesk tickets are ingested in Onna by date last modified, not creation date.

Zendesk Requirements

Below is a list of requirements to create a sync using our Zendesk connector:

  • In order to set up a Zendesk sync, you will need access to admin level log-in credentials for your Zendesk account, however no authorized connection is required. If admin privileges are not granted to the Zendesk account you are trying to connect, you will receive a 'Failed to Sync' error message, and the collection performed in Onna will be incomplete.

How to Connect and Collect Using Zendesk

Once you’re ready to collect data from Zendesk follow the steps below to set up the sync.

Step 1

Once you’ve navigated to the workspace where you want to add your Zendesk sync, click on the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner to ‘Add source”.

Step 2

You will now see a list of all sources enabled for your organization. Find and select the ‘Zendesk’ source.

Step 3

You’ll now see the new source workflow screen. On this screen you will name your new source in the ‘Name’ field (a). Then, you will enter the domain of your organization’s Zendesk account (b) in the ‘Domain’ field.

Next, you will define your configuration. By default, the ‘Advanced options’ field (c) will configure your new source to ‘Auto-sync and archive all tickets except Deleted and Suspended’. If you want a different configuration for your source you will click on the ‘Configure’ link (d). If you are ok with the default ‘Advanced options’ you can click the blue ‘Done’ button (e).

Step 4

If you’ve clicked on ‘Configure’ to change the advanced options for your new source you will then be directed to the configuration screen. Note: You may need to log into your Zendesk account before this screen will appear.

On the configuration screen you will first select a sync mode from the dropdown menu in the ‘Synchronization mode’ field (a).

After you’ve selected your sync mode you will set your sync start date (b). Leaving the start date blank will sync all available data.

Step 5

Once you’ve selected your sync mode and date(s), you’ll click the arrow next to ‘Select tickets to sync’ (a). You’ll see two options appear: ‘Deleted tickets’ and ‘Suspended tickets’ (b). If you’d like to sync these types of tickets, put a checkmark next to the type you want to sync. If you leave these options without a check, they will not be synced.

Once you’re done, you’ve finished configuring your new source, click the blue ‘Done’ button (c).

Step 6

Your sync is now in progress and visible inside the workspace you added it to. To learn more, see the article “How to Monitor Your Source Sync Status.”


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