Git Hub_ How to Connect and Collect
  • 26 Jun 2024
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Git Hub_ How to Connect and Collect

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Article summary

In this article:

  • GitHub Overview

  • GitHub Requirements

  • How to Connect and Collect Using GitHub

GitHub Overview

GitHub is a web-based service that helps developers store and manage their code through repositories, as well as track and control changes to their code with Git version control. Onna connects directly with GitHub's API to collect a user's pull requests and issues.

Connector Features

Authorized Connection Required? No

Is identity mapping supported? No

Audit logs available? Yes

Admin Access? No

Supports a full archive? Yes

Custodian based collections? No

Preserve in place with ILH? No

Resumable sync supported? No

Supports Onna preservation? No

Syncs future users automatically? No

Sync modes supported:

  • One-time sync

  • Auto-sync

Is file versioning supported? No

Types of Data Collected

Metadata Collected

  • All issues

  • All pull requests

  • Path to original file

  • Repository name

  • Labels

  • List of creators

  • File size

  • Extension

  • File last modified

GitHub Considerations

  • If your organization has enabled two factor authentication (2FA), Onna will make 2FA part of the synchronization workflow.

  • Onna only collects issues and pull requests. We do not sync the actual files of the repository.

GitHub Requirements

  • In order to collect from a user, you will need their individual login credentials.

How to Connect and Collect Using GitHub

To create a new GitHub collection follow the steps below:

Step 1

Click on ‘Workspaces’ in the main menu (a), then click on the workspace where you’d like to add a new sync (b).

Step 2

Click on the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner to add a new source

Step 3

Select the GitHub connector from your list of available connectors.

Step 4

Click the blue ‘Connect’ button.

Step 5

You’ll now be taken to the Oauth flow where you’ll enter your username and password (a), then click the ‘Sign in’ button (b).

Step 6

Once logged in, you’ll be taken back to Onna where you’ll configure your sync. To start, enter the sync name in the ‘Name’ field. Then, select your synchronization mode (b), and click the ‘Get repositories’ button (c).

Step 7

Next, you’ll choose which repositories to sync by putting a check next to the names of those you’d like to collect (a), then click the blue ‘Done’ button (b).

Step 8

You’ll now see your new source appear alphabetically in the list of ‘Connected sources’ in your workspace.


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