How to Add, Send, and Manage Notifications for a Matter
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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How to Add, Send, and Manage Notifications for a Matter

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Add a Notification

  • How to Edit a Notification

  • How to Preview a Notification

  • How to Send a Notification

  • How to Delete a Notification

How to Add a Notification

To notify custodians associated with your matter, you first need to add notifications to the matter. After the notifications have been added, you can then send them to any custodians that have been added to the matter and are not designated as a silent custodian.

There are four types of notifications available to send to custodians:

  • Initial Notice- This notification communicates to custodians that they have been put on hold and includes a button for them to click to acknowledge the receipt of the notification. You are then able to view the date the custodian acknowledged the hold in the ‘Custodians’ section of your matter, next to their name.

  • Reminder Notice- This notification reminds custodians that their data has been placed on hold and remains on hold. When configuring this notification you are able to decide how often this reminder will be sent to custodians after they have acknowledged they are on hold.

  • Acknowledge Notice-This notification reminds custodians they still need to acknowledge they are on hold and includes a button for them to click to acknowledge they received the notification.

  • Release notice- This notification communicates to the custodian that their data is no longer on hold.

Follow the steps below to add notifications to your matter.

For each matter, you can only add one of each notification type and must add the ‘Initial Notice’ first.

Step 1

Select ‘Integrated legal holds’ from the main menu.

Step 2

By default you will be taken to the ‘Matters’ page within Integrated legal holds. From this page, click the name of the matter you want to add notifications to.

Step 3

Once inside the matter, click on ‘Notifications’ in the ‘Holds details’ section of the page.

Step 4

To add a notification, click on either the blue ‘Add notification’ button (a), or the ‘+’ icon on the right side of the page (b).

At this point you will decide which type of notification you want to add. Below you will find the remaining steps for each type of notification.

Adding an Initial Notice

Step 1

To add an initial notice, select ‘Initial notice’ from the dropdown in the ‘Notification type’ field (a).

Then, (optionally) if you’ve already created a notification template for this type of notification, you can select it from the dropdown in the ‘Notification template’ field (b).

You can then type the subject for your email in the ‘Email subject’ field (c). Note that if you’ve selected a template, this field will auto populate the template’s subject line. You’ll then (optionally) add any email addresses that you want to receive the notification as well in the ‘Email CC’ field (d) and/or the ‘Email BCC’ field (e).

Then, click the blue ‘next’ button (f).

Step 2

On the next screen you’ll be able to type and format the body of your email in the ‘Notice message’ field (a).

You are then able to preview the notification by clicking on the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), or click on the blue ‘Done’ button (c) to finish and add the notification to your available notifications for the matter.

Adding a Reminder Notice

Step 1

To add a reminder notice, click on the ‘+’ icon in the ‘Notifications’ section of your matter.

Step 2

Next, select ‘Reminder notice’ from the dropdown in the ‘Notification type’ field (a).

Then, (optionally) if you’ve already created a notification template for this type of notification, you can select it from the dropdown in the ‘Notification template’ field (b).

You can then type the subject for your email in the ‘Email subject’ field (c). Note that if you’ve selected a template this field will auto-populate the template’s subject line. You’ll then (optionally) add any email addresses that you want to receive the notification as well in the ‘Email CC’ field (d) and/or the ‘Email BCC’ field (e).

Then, click the blue ‘next’ button (f).

Step 3

On the next screen you’ll be able to type and format the body of your email in the ‘Notice message’ field (a).

You are then able to preview the notification by clicking on the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), then click on the blue ‘Next’ button (c).

Step 4

You’ll now determine how often you want the reminder notice sent to custodians. You can choose every 90, 180, or 365 days from the dropdown in the ‘Reminder frequency’ field (a). Then, click the blue ‘Done’ button (b) to add your reminder notice.

Note, the time is calculated based on the date the initial notice was sent.

Adding an Acknowledge Notice

Step 1

To add an acknowledge notice, click on the ‘+’ icon in the ‘Notifications’ section of your matter.

Step 2

Next, select ‘Acknowledge notice’ from the dropdown in the ‘Notification type’ field (a).

Then, (optionally) if you’ve already created a notification template for this type of notification, you can select it from the dropdown in the ‘Notification template’ field (b).

You can then type the subject for your email in the ‘Email subject’ field (c). Note that if you’ve selected a template this field will auto-populate the template’s subject line. You’ll then (optionally) add any email addresses that you want to receive the notification as well in the ‘Email CC’ field (d) and/or the ‘Email BCC’ field (e).

Then, click the blue ‘next’ button (f).

Step 3

On the next screen you’ll be able to type and format the body of your email in the ‘Notice message’ field (a).

You are then able to preview the notification by clicking on the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), then click on the blue ‘Next’ button (c).

Step 4

You’ll now determine how often you want the acknowledge notice sent to custodians. You can choose everyday or every 3 or 5 days from the dropdown in the ‘Reminder frequency’ field (a). Then, click the blue ‘Done’ button (b) to add your acknowledge notice.

Please Note: the time is calculated based on the date the initial notice was sent and Onna will automatically schedule and send the acknowledge notice until the custodian clicks on the button in the email. Once the custodian acknowledges, the delivery of this notice will cease.

Adding a Release Notice

Step 1

To add a release notice, select ‘Release notice’ from the dropdown in the ‘Notification type’ field (a).

Then, (optionally) if you’ve already created a notification template for this type of notification, you can select it from the dropdown in the ‘Notification template’ field (b).

You can then type the subject for your email in the ‘Email subject’ field (c). Note that if you’ve selected a template, this field will auto-populate the template’s subject line. You’ll then (optionally) add any email addresses that you want to receive the notification as well in the ‘Email CC’ field (d) and/or the ‘Email BCC’ field (e).

Then, click the blue ‘next’ button (f).

Step 2

On the next screen, you’ll be able to type and format the body of your email in the ‘Notice message’ field (a).

You are then able to preview the notification by clicking on the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), or click on the blue ‘Done’ button (c) to finish and add the notification to your available notifications for the matter.

How to Edit a Notification

Once you’ve added a notification to your matter, it is possible to edit parts of the notification. To edit your notification, follow the steps below. Please note that any edits made to a notification will only be reflected when sent to users in the future.

It is not possible to edit the notification type after you’ve added the notification. If you need to edit the type you will need to delete the notification and add a new notification. You can only add one of each type of notification to a matter.

Step 1

Inside the matter, click on ‘Notifications’ (a) in the ‘Hold details’ section of the page. Then click on the ellipsis to the right of the notification you want to edit (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Edit notification’.

Step 3

You’ll then be able to edit the notification template, subject, and Email CC and BCC (a). After you’ve made any necessary changes to these fields, click the blue ‘Next’ button (b).

Step 4a- Initial or Release Notice

You’ll then be able to edit the body of your notification (a), preview your changes by clicking the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), and then click the blue ‘Done’ button (c) to save the edits you made to your notification.

Step 4b- Reminder or Acknowledge Notice

You’ll then be able to edit the body of your notification (a), preview your changes by clicking the gray ‘Preview’ button (b), and then click the blue ‘Next’ button (c).

Step 5- Reminder or Acknowledge Notice

When editing a reminder or acknowledge notice you’ll then be taken to a screen to edit the frequency of your notice. You can change the frequency in the frequency dropdown (a). Then, to save all your edits, click the blue ‘Done’ button (b).

How to Preview a Notification

It is possible to view your notifications at any time by following the steps below.

Step 1

Inside the matter, click on ‘Notifications’ (a) in the ‘Hold details’ section of the page. Then click on the ellipsis to the right of the notification you want to preview(b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Preview notification’.

Step 3

You’ll now see a preview of your notification appear. This is what your notification will look like to the recipient.

How to Send a Notification

Once your notifications have been added, you’re able to send the notification to any custodian (not identified as a silent custodian) that’s been added to your matter. To send a notification follow the steps below.

Only one domain can be collected from an individual service account. Note that the domain Onna is able to collect from is based on the domain of the Google Workspace service account used within the authorized connection. An additional service account for the additional domain(s) will need to be created and set-up in Onna to send notifications to users from a separate domain.

Step 1

To send a notification, begin inside the matter and navigate to either the ‘Custodians’ or ‘Notifications’ area of the ‘Holds details’ section (a). Then, click the blue paper airplane icon on the right side of the screen (b).

From ‘Custodians’

From ‘Notifications’

Step 2

On the ‘Notify custodians’ page, you’ll first select the type of notification you want to send from the dropdown in the matter notifications field (a). Please note that only the types of notifications you’ve added will appear in this list.

Then, you will select, from the list of custodians that appears, the custodians you want to notify (b). The list that appears will not include silent custodians, or custodians that have previously been notified. You can also select all custodians by clicking ‘Select all’ (c) on the right side of the screen.

Then, click the blue ‘Notify’ button (d).

Note: The notification will be marked “In progress” until it is officially sent. Once it is sent, the send date will appear in the “Hold details” section.

Note: If there are cases where you get a 400 response (temporary failure) after sending the notification, please know that we will attempt to resend 15 times before marking the status as failed.

How to Delete a Notification

If you no longer need a notification, it is possible to delete it from your matter by following the steps below.

Step 1

Inside the matter, click on ‘Notifications’ (a) in the ‘Hold details’ section of the page. Then click on the ellipsis to the right of the notification you want to delete(b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Delete notification’.

Step 3

You’ll then see a pop-up appear asking you to confirm that you’d like to delete your notification. To confirm and delete, click the blue ‘Delete notification’ button (a). To cancel and keep your notification, click the gray ‘Keep’ button (b).


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