How to Configure and Download an Export
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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How to Configure and Download an Export

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Configure an Export

  • How to Download an Export

How to Configure an Export

Depending on how you’re organizing data and search data in Onna, you may need to export from different locations within your site. In Onna you can export data from four different locations:

No matter where you begin the export process, you’ll need to configure that export. To configure your export follow the steps below:

Step 1a

On the first page of the export workflow:

a. Name your export in the ‘Export file name’ field. The default name will be derived from your search query and today's date. However, you can change the export name if you’d like.

b. Select your ‘Export type’ There are four export types to choose from:

  • Generate CSV report with metadata- This type of export will include a CSV with metadata included in your export.

  • Generate CSV report and download files-This type of export will include a CSV with metadata as well as download files.

    Note: If selecting either of the CSV options above, you will be given the choice to ‘Include document families’

  • Generate RSMF report and download files-this type of export will include a metadata file, a native folder, and a text folder. These exports will be ready to upload into the Relativity platform with no additional formatting needed.

  • Advanced Export-this type of export allows you to customize your export configuration.

c. Optional: If you choose Advanced Export, you will also be able to use an Export template by choosing one from the dropdown menu in the ‘Select template’ field.

Step 1b

Scroll to the bottom of this window. Onna’s default time zone is UTC. If you want to define a specific time zone for your export, you can do so in one of two ways:
Use Device Time Zone (a)- By toggling to ‘yes’ your export will be set to the time zone of your current device.

Select Time Zone (b)- To select a time zone different, toggle to ‘no’ and then select a time zone from the drop down menu.

Then, click the blue ‘Continue’ button (c).

Step 2

You’ll now decide whether you want to download manually (the default option) or use a cloud transfer.

Then, click the blue ‘Continue’ button.

Step 3

Next, you’ll configure your export metadata.

a. Review the available metadata that you can include in your export and select what you need.

b. Click on the blue ‘Next’ button (b).

Step 4

You’ll now begin to configure your export package by configuring your document numbering.
a. To Export using the original file name, check the box next to that field.

b. Enter the name you want for the numbering field into the ‘Field name’ field. This field will default to ‘ControlNumber’ but can be changed if needed.

c. Enter the prefix you want for each document number in the ‘Numbering prefix’ field. This field will default to ‘CN’ but can be changed if needed.

d. Select the number you’d like to start with in the ‘Start number’ field.

e. Enter the number of digits you want in each document number in the ‘Digits’ field.

f. Enter the name you want to identify groups in the ‘Group identifier’ field. This field will default to ‘GroupID’ but can be changed if needed.

Step 5

Next you’ll configure your ‘Volume numbering’.

a. Enter the prefix you want for each volume number in the ‘Volume prefix’ field. This field will default to ‘VOL’ but can be changed if needed.

b. Select the number you’d like to start each volume with in the ‘Start number’ field.

c. Enter the number of digits you want in each volume number in the ‘Digits’ field.

d. Enter the maximum size (in MB) you want to allow for each volume in the ‘Volume maximum size’ field.

Step 6

Now, you’ll configure your

‘Package subdirectories’ beginning with native files.

a. To include native files toggle to yes next to ‘Include native files’

b. To include both PDF and native files (when available) in your export, select the ‘Export both PDF and native files when available’ field.

c. Enter the name you’d like for the folder in your export that contains native files in the ‘Native folder name’ field. This field will default to ‘NATIVE’ but can be changed if needed.

Step 7

When exporting Slack data you will now have additional Slack configurations.

a. To include neighboring conversations, toggle yes for ‘Include neighboring Slack conversation’

b. From the dropdown in the ‘Select amount of days’ field, select the number of days you want to collect neighboring conversations for.

c. If you want to export each conversation as an individual file, toggle ‘Export conversations as single messages’ to ‘yes’. Should you select this option your export will show messages broken out into individual columns.

NOTE: If you are configuring a Relativity Short Message File (RSMF) export you will have an option (that does not appear otherwise) to include attachments in the RSMF.

See the article, “Slack Export Configuration” to learn more.

Step 8

If you’re exporting ‘Related user metadata’ (see Step 3), you have the ability to split that metadata into three separate fields in your export. You can select any of the following fields: Members, Mentioned Members, and Active Members. By checking next to one of these fields, your export will include a separate list specific to each type of related user.

Step 9

Next you’ll decide if you want to include text files.

a. To include text files, toggle to ‘yes’ the ‘Include text files’ option.

b. Enter the name you’d like for the folder in your export that contains text files in the ‘Text folder name’ field. This field will default to ‘TEXT’ but can be changed if needed.

c. From the dropdown in the ‘Text encoding’ field, select either UTF-8 or Unicode.

d. Select the number you’d like to start each text file with in the ‘Start number’ field.

e. Enter the number of digits you want in each text file number in the ‘Digits’ field.

f. Enter the maximum number of files you’d like in each folder in the ‘Maximum number of files per folder’ field.

Step 10

a. To include NISt files, toggle ‘yes’ for ‘Include NIST files’

b. To include any ancestor, decedent, and/or sibling documents, files, or attachments of the search results, toggle ‘yes’ for ‘Include document family’

c. To deduplicate parent files upon export, toggle ‘yes’ for ‘Deduplicate files on export’

Step 11

You’ll now configure the ‘Load file format’.

a. From the dropdown menu in the ‘Format’ field, select your load file format. You can choose from dat, csv, or custom text.

b. If you choose ‘custom text’ as your load file format you will have additional line character fields to enter values for to customize your format.

Step 12

Finally, you will finish configuring your export package by

a. Selecting from the dropdown menu in the ‘Encoding’ field either UTF-8 or Unicode

b. Clicking on the blue ‘Next’ button.

Step 13

To finish your export configuration, on the next screen, you will:

a. Review your export configuration for accuracy.

b. Click on the blue ‘Done’ button.

Files with a file name larger than 230 characters will be truncated to 230 characters upon export in order to be included in the export. If a file name conflict happens due to this truncation, Onna will add a (1), (2), etc (depending on the number of conflicts) to the end of the file name so you're able to differentiate files.

About Relativity Short Message File (RSMF) Exports

  • From Onna, only data from Microsoft Teams Enterprise and Slack Enterprise sources are able to be exported using the RSMF Export type. However, if you select to generate an RSMF export that includes other kinds of resources, those will be included in the export as regular natives (exported as it would if you hadn´t selected RSMF).

  • Onna supports RMSF version 2. We do not support version 1.

  • Currently, rsmf.eml files have a limit of 10,000 events. If a conversation day has more than 10,000 events, all the events will be exported, however they will be split into multiple rsmf.eml files.

  • There is a 10000 MB limit per rsmf.eml file. This limit is set by Relativity and cannot be adjusted higher. If you have files bigger than 10000 MB, contact Relativity.

  • RSMF exports include a custodians field.

  • When using RSMF most fields in advanced export are rigid. However, you may edit the following fields/select the following options.

    • Within the Document Numbering section:

      • Field Name

      • Numbering Prefix

      • Start number

      • Digits

      • Group Identifier

    • Within the Volume Numbering section:

      • Volume Prefix

      • Start Number

      • Digits

    • Native Folder Name

    • Deduplicate Files on Export

    • Related User selection

    • Export Both PDF and Native Files When Available

    • Include attachments in the RSMF. If you choose this option the attachments will appear in the RSMF as well as a separate .zip file.

Note: RSMF exports are intended to be imported into Relativity using the direct load approach This approach utilizes the .dat file we produce.

How to Download an Export

Once you’ve finished configuring your export and click the blue ‘Done’ button, your export will begin, and you’ll be taken to the summary page for that export immediately. This is the page you’ll download your export from. To download your export follow the steps below:

For exports consisting of a single volume file, the metadata (or load file) can be found within that file. For exports containing multiple volume files, the metadata (or load file) is always located in the final volume file.

Please Note: If you have configured an export to include PDFs as well as native files, only files less than 10MB in size will include a PDF. If a file is larger than 10MB no PDF will be generated. In addition, a PDF will not be included in an export if it is not rendered or present in Onna. This means:

  1. There will be no PDF present in the PDF folder.

  2. The metadata file will not contain a PDF path for the file

To download your export follow the steps below:

Step 1

a. Review the details of your export and ensure that the status is 100% and indicates ‘Ready to download’. Then,

b. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Step 2

At the bottom of the page you will see a link to download your export.

The link to begin the export download is valid for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the link to download an export will expire, unless the download has already initialized. However, if a network error occurs while downloading the various volumes that causes the process to be stopped or canceled the previous download link will no longer be valid if it expires.If you need to access the export at a later time, click on the export title & select 'Re-enable download'. This will generate a new link to download the export. Please note that only the creator of the export sees the 'Re-enable download' button.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence