How to Manage Cloud Transfer Credentials
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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How to Manage Cloud Transfer Credentials

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Share Cloud Transfer Credentials

  • How to Edit Cloud Transfer Credentials

  • How to Rename Cloud Transfer Credentials

  • How to Revoke Cloud Transfer Credentials

How to Share Cloud Transfer Credentials

Once you have created a cloud transfer connection, you may want to share those credentials with others in your organization so they can also export using cloud transfer, thus making your workflow more efficient and secure. To share credentials, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click into the ‘Cloud transfers’ section of your ‘Authorized connections’ page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the cloud transfer credentials you want to share (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Share credentials’.

Step 3

You’ll now see a new share window appear. In this window, you will first enter the users you want to share your credentials within the ‘Allow other admins to use your Test admin credentials’ field (a). Then, click the blue ‘Share’ button (b).

Please note: Cloud transfer credentials can only be shared with other Onna users who have an admin role in the platform.

How to Edit Cloud Transfer Credentials

There may be times when you need to edit the details of your cloud transfer credentials. You can only edit cloud transfer credentials if you’re the owner of the credentials. To edit cloud transfer credentials, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click into the ‘Cloud transfers’ section of your ‘Authorized connections’ page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the cloud transfer credentials you want to share (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Edit credentials’.

Step 3

You’re now able to edit any of the fields needed to establish a secure connection, including the host name (a), the port number (b), the folder path (c), the user name (d), or the password (e). Once you’ve made the edits you need, click on the blue ‘Test connection’ button (f) to ensure that your connection is good after making edits.

Step 4

Once you see that all fields are green and have a green check next to them, you know your connection is good. You can then click on the blue ‘Save’ button.

How to Rename Cloud Transfer Credentials

In order to keep cloud transfer credentials organized and prevent the use of incorrect credentials, you are able to rename credentials to meet the organizational needs of your team. To rename cloud transfer credentials, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click into the ‘Cloud transfers’ section of your ‘Authorized connections’ page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the cloud transfer credentials you want to share (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Rename credentials’.

Step 3

You are now able to edit the name of your cloud transfer credentials (a), and then click on the blue arrow (b) to save the changes. If you don’t want to save you can click the gray ‘X’ cancel.

How to Revoke Cloud Transfer Credentials

When a set of cloud transfer credentials should no longer be used to export from Onna, you are able to revoke them so cloud transfers can no longer be made using those credentials. To revoke cloud transfer credentials, follow the steps below:

Current transfers that have not completed exporting all volumes of data will not finish and will be incomplete.

Step 1

To begin, click into the ‘Cloud transfers’ section of your ‘Authorized connections’ page (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the cloud transfer credentials you want to share (b).

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘Revoke all’.

Step 3

You’ll now see a confirmation pop-up appear asking you to confirm that you want to revoke these credentials. To confirm and revoke, click the red ‘Revoke’ button.


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