How to Manage Integrated Legal Holds Settings
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to Manage Integrated Legal Holds Settings

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Add a Custom Logo to Notifications

  • How to Configure SMTP Settings

How to Add a Custom Logo to Notifications

When sending notifications to custodians related to legal holds, you may want to change the logo on the notification. By default the Onna logo will appear on all notifications sent from the Integrated Legal Holds feature.

To make changes to the logo on your notifications, follow the steps below:

Changes will apply only to notifications sent after the change has been made. Changes cannot be made on notifications that have already been sent.

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Integrated legal holds’ from the main menu.

Step 2

Once inside ‘Integrated legal holds’, click on ‘Settings’ in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Step 3

From the ‘Settings’ page, click the arrow next to ‘Customize notice logo’.

Step 4

Next, click the arrow in the ‘Notice logo’ field (a). This will expand a dropdown menu offering you three options to customize the logo on your notifications.

  • Onna logo-This option will display the Onna logo on notifications. This is the default option for all accounts.

  • Custom logo-This option will allow you to upload a logo of your choice to display on notifications.

  • No logo-This option will remove any logo from notifications.

To upload a custom logo select ‘Custom logo’ from the dropdown (b).

Step 5

Click on the ‘Upload image’ icon inside the gray rectangle.

When choosing an image please consider the following:

  • Images file types must be one of the following: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, or .webp

  • Maximum Image Size is 100 KB

Step 6

You’ll now see your logo preview appear inside the gray rectangle (a). Once you’ve confirmed it looks correct, you can click the blue ‘Save’ button (b) to add the new logo.

If you need to remove a previously uploaded logo you can click the ‘x’ to the right of the image name (c).

Note: It may take several minutes for your changes to populate.

Previewing Logo Changes

To preview a logo change, you can visit any existing notifications or notification templates and preview the notification to view the changes.

How to Configure SMTP Settings

Inside the ‘Settings’ section of the Integrated Legal Holds feature it is also possible to configure your SMTP settings. These settings impact where a notification email is sent from. By default they will be sent using Onna’s SMTP. However, you’re able to configure a custom SMTP for your organization. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Once inside the Integrated Legal Holds feature, click on ‘Settings’ from the menu on the left side of the screen.

Step 2

From the settings page, click on the arrow next to ‘SMTP configuration’.

Step 3

The first thing you’ll do on the ‘Set up legal hold SMTP’ page is select ‘Custom SMTP’ from the ‘Server type’ field.

Step 4

Next you’ll configure your custom SMTP by entering server details (a), including:

  • Server: The domain address of the server you want to use, “” for example.

  • Encryption: The type of security used when connecting with the SMTP server. The choices include: STARTTLS, or SSL/TLS.

  • Port: The port Onna uses to connect to the SMTP server.

  • Username: The username configured for authenticating with the SMTP server.

  • Password: The password configured for authenticating with the SMTP server.
    Note: Anytime there is a change in configuration the password will be required.

You are then able to send a test email (b) to ensure your configuration settings are correct.

Once you have confirmed your settings are correct click the blue ‘Save’ button (c).


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