How to Monitor Your Sync Status
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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How to Monitor Your Sync Status

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Article summary

In this article you will learn how to:

  • Find Source Sync Details

  • Understand Source Details

  • Understanding Failures and Exceptions

Total counts and data size displayed here are based solely on data collected after the sync status system was deployed, and may therefore be incomplete if the datasource was created before December 5, 2022

Finding Source Sync Details

Having insight into the status of a source sync is important for understanding when data can be searched and exported. The ‘Source details’ panel and the ‘Status summary’ page provide precise information about the status of your data as it is synced and processed in Onna. You can find source sync details in two locations.

Only users with editor or manage permissions for sources are able to see the ‘Source details’ section of the ‘Source details’ panel. Users with other permissions will only be able to see the ‘General details’ section in the ‘Source details’ panel. Additionally, only users with manage permission for a source are able to access the ‘Sync status’ and ‘Check status details’ button in the ‘Source details’ panel.

Access Source Details from Within a Workspace

You are able to access the sync status of sources inside workspaces depending on your source permissions. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

From the Main menu navigate to the ‘Workspaces’ page.

Once on the ‘Workspaces’ page select the workspace where your source is located.

Step 2:

After you’re inside the workspace (a), hover over the source you want sync status details about and click on the ellipsis to the right of the row (b). From the dropdown menu that appears select ‘View details’ (c).

Step 3:

You are able to view some details in the ‘Source details’ section of the details panel that will appear on the right side of your screen. For more information and a status summary, click on the blue ‘Check status details’ button.

Step 4:

You will now see the status summary page.

Access Source Details from My Sources

You are also able to access source details for sources, based on your source permissions, on the ‘My sources’ page. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

From the Main menu, navigate to the ‘My Sources’ page

Step 2:

Once on the ‘My sources’ page, find the source you want details about, hover over the source card, and click on the ellipsis in the top right corner of the card (a). Next, select ‘View details’ (b) from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 3:

You are able to view some details in the ‘Source details’ section of the details panel that will appear on the right side of your screen. For more information and a status summary, click on the blue ‘Check status details’ button.

Step 4:

You will now see the status summary page.

Understanding Source Details

There are several details that you can view about any source, depending on your permissions. You can learn more about each detail in the ‘Source details’ panel and on the ‘Status summary’ page below:

When a sync is in progress, the data displayed in the sync-status-detail page is refreshed every second. A sync will continue to display as ‘In progress’ until both ingestion and processing have finished.

Source Details Panel Details

General Details Section

  1. Shared with-The Onna users who have access to the source.

  2. You can-Your permissions for the source.

  3. Workspace-The name of the workspace where the source is located. Note-you will only see this if you also have access to the workspace where the source is located.

  4. Location-The name of and link to the source.

  5. Tags-If your Onna administrator has enabled tagging for your site, any freeform tags associated with the source will appear here.

  6. Comments-Any comments associated with the source will appear here.

Source Details Section

Note: This section of the details panel is only available to users with edit or manage permissions for the source.

  1. Status- (Only visible to users with manage permission for the source) The status of your source sync: Completed, In Progress, Failed, or Not started. Please note that the ‘Status’ in the details panel refers to the initial sync only. So, if your source is set up with a recurring sync you will want to click on the ‘Check status details’ button (only visible to users with manager permission for the source) for more information.

  2. Sync Mode: Possible sync modes include: One-time sync, Auto-Sync, or Auto-Sync and Archive. To learn more, see the article “Onna Sync Modes”.

  3. Sync time range: The time period set to sync data from.

  4. Last processing completed: The date Onna finished processing data.

  5. Total size: The total size of all resources collected by your source. In the case of recurring syncs this would be the sum of all collected files since the recurring sync began.

  6. Total files:The total number of files synced by the source. In the case of recurring syncs this would be the sum of all files ingested since the sync began.

  7. Date added to Onna: The date the source was created in Onna.

  8. ACTION: If you want to export the entire source you can do so by clicking on the ‘Export all files’ link from the Source details panel.

Origin Details Section

  1. Original synced account- The user account that established the original sync.

  2. Source contents- Here you can see details of what was collected from the origin source if possible. Please note: This section varies by source.

  3. ACTION: You can download source audit logs by clicking here.

Status Summary Details

  1. Ingestion-The status of how much data has been brought into Onna from the datasource.

  2. Processing-The status of how many files have been processed in Onna. This happens after files have been ingested.

  3. Synchronization Mode-The type of sync for the source.

  4. Collection status-The status of the source sync

  5. Collection started at- The date and time the source sync began.

  6. Processing completed at- the date and time the sync completed processing.

Status Summary for Family Members or Expanded Files

When collected resources need to be “expanded“ (zip files for example), the count of resources will increase while processing. In this case we display an informative tooltip.

Status Summary for Recurring Syncs

  1. Ingestion-The status of how much data has been brought into Onna from the datasource during the most recent collection in the recurring sync.

  2. Processing-The status of how many files have been processed in Onna during the most recent collection in the recurring sync.

  3. Synchronization Mode-The type of sync for the source.

  4. Initial Collection status-The status of the initial source sync

  5. Continuous collection status- The status of the most recent collection in the recurring sync

  6. Last collection started at- The date and time the most recent source sync began.

  7. Last processing completed at- the date and time the most recent sync completed processing.

Status Definitions

Ingestion status:

  • Completed- when all resources have been collected into Onna. Processing may not be finished at this time

  • In progress- when there are still files/resources to collect

  • Failed- when an error or failure has occurred in the source during a sync

  • Not started-in any other case

Ingestion size: the sum of the size of all files collected for the current sync

Please Note: Data sources with ingestion failures will automatically attempt to re-sync previously failed resources until successful.

Processing status:

  • Failed- when Ingestion status is also ‘Failed’

  • In progress- when Ingestion status is In progress or Completed and files have been ingested that are being processed or reprocessed

  • Completed- when the ingestion status is also complete and there are no pending files remaining to be processed

  • Not started- when there are no newly ingested files to process

Processing counts:

  • Processed: all resources that have been processed in the current sync

  • Total: all files ingested (including the files extracted from archives like zip files)

In the case when a source is auto-sync and archive, and the most recent sync collected 0 resources, you will see an ingestion status of complete and a processing status of complete. However, whereas you would typically see the size of the ingestion next to the ingestion status and the number of files processed next to the processing status, there will be no size or count listed. This is because 0 resources were collected in the last sync.

Understanding Failures and Exceptions

At times there may be sync failures or processing exceptions for a variety of reasons. Below you will find more information about what happens when these situations happen.


Failed Sync Notification

If a sync has failed for some reason, Onna will display both progress bars in red and include the message ‘Failed’ (a), Onna will also display with the size ingested and the count of items processed before the failure (b).

Additionally, in the Collection status section the message ‘Failed to sync’ will show (c).

Note: You can also see this message in the ‘Source details’ panel.

Retry a Failed Sync

To retry the sync hover over the status box and click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner, then click ‘Resync’.

Revoked Syncing

There may be an instance where you have set up a source to auto-sync and your permissions to sync using that authorized connection have been revoked. Should this happen, you will see the message ‘Revoked syncing’

Note: You can also see this message in the ‘Source details’ panel.


As files are processed, exceptions may arise. Should your sync have exceptions you will see a message at the bottom of the Status summary page that indicates how many items have exceptions and may not have been processed (a). You then have the option to download those files if you would like by clicking on the download icon (b).


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