How to Renew Expired Source Credentials
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to Renew Expired Source Credentials

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Article summary

In this article:

  • Expired Credentials Overview

  • Renew Credentials from ‘My sources’

  • Renew Credentials from a workspace

  • Renew Credentials from ‘Authorized connections’

Expired Credentials Overview

When you set up a source in Onna you authorize Onna to access data from that source’s API. At times a credential will expire and will need to be renewed by reauthorizing the source.

Should source credentials need to be renewed, the user who created the source will be notified about the need to reauthorize the credentials via email. The subject of the email will be “Credentials expired in source”. Inside the email there will be a link to the account to renew the credentials.

The source creator is able to renew credentials for a source from one of three areas: ‘My Sources’, the workspace where the source is set up, or, if the credential was set up as an Authorized Connection, from your ‘Authorized Connections’. Below you will find steps to renew from each area.

It is important to renew source credentials as soon as possible after receiving a notification email as your source will stop syncing until credentials are renewed.

Renew Credentials from ‘My sources’

To renew source credentials from the ‘My sources’ page follow the steps below:

Step 1

Click on ‘My sources’ from the main menu.

Step 2

Locate the source that needs credentials renewed. This source will have a red button that says ‘Renew credentials’.

Step 3

Then, click the ‘Renew credentials’ button to renew the credentials. After clicking the button to renew credentials you will be taken through the same o-auth flow as you were when you initially authorized the source.

Renew Credentials from a workspace

To renew source credentials from the ‘My sources’ page follow the steps below:

Step 1

Click on ‘Workspaces’ from the main menu (a). Then, locate the workspace where the source needing renewal is located (b).

Step 2

Once inside the workspace located the source that needs renewing. This source will have a red fingerprint icon next to the date

Step 3

Then, click the fingerprint icon to renew the credentials. After clicking the icon to renew credentials you will be taken through the same o-auth flow as you were when you initially authorized the source.

Renew Credentials from ‘Authorized connections’

If the source is an enterprise source that was originally authorized through an authorized connection you can also renew the source’s credentials on the ‘Authorized connection’ page. To renew source credentials from the ‘Authorized connections’ page follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on your user profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen.

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, click ‘Authorized connections’.

Step 3

Once on the ‘Authorized connections’ page, click on the arrow to the right of ‘Enterprise sources’ to expand the section.

Step 4

From the list of enterprise sources you have Admin credentials for, locate the source credentials that need renewed. These source credentials will have a red button that says ‘Renew credentials’ it’s row.

Step 5

Then, click the ‘Renew credentials’ button to renew the credentials. After clicking the button to renew credentials you will be taken through the same o-auth flow as you were when you initially authorized the source.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence