How to Review Unprocessed Files in Onna
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to Review Unprocessed Files in Onna

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Article summary

In this article:

  • Processing Overview

  • How to Review Unprocessed Files

Processing Overview

Before files are indexed searchable in Onna, they must go through our processing pipeline. After files are processed, they will either be fully indexed, searchable, and exportable, or they will be processed with an exception. There are many reasons a file may not successfully process. When this happens, the file will receive a processing note to give you more information about what prevented the file from fully processing. You can learn more about these in the article Onna Processing Exceptions and Notes.

Any file that has not yet made it through the processing pipeline is considered unprocessed. As soon as individual text fields are indexed, they become searchable in Onna. For this reason, you may see unprocessed files appear in search results. For example, Onna indexes the file name of a document as one of the initial steps in the processing pipeline, and the free text of the document is indexed later on in the process. So, while a file is not fully searchable, it is possible to export an unprocessed file.

How to Review Unprocessed Files

It is possible to determine if you have unprocessed files, and review them, from both the source details panel and a list of search results. Below you will find step-by-step instructions for both.

Reviewing Unprocessed Files From the Source Details Panel

Step 1

To begin, click on the ellipsis on the right side of the row for the source you want to check for unprocessed files.

Step 2

From the dropdown menu that appears, select ‘View details.’

Step 3

You’ll now see the information details panel appear. Scroll down to the ‘Source status’ section (a). Then, click on the download icon in the ‘Unprocessed files’ section, next to the number of unprocessed files from that source (b).

Step 4

A CSV file will then download. When you open this file you will be able to view the following pieces of metadata if available:

  • Title

  • Extension

  • Author

  • Date Created

  • Description

  • UUID

Reviewing Unprocessed Files from a List of Search Results

Step 1

After you run your search, click on the filter icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 2

Then in the filter section ‘Extension types’ (a), put a check in the box next to ‘Unprocessed’ (b).

If you don’t see the filter section ‘Extension types’ you will need to configure your filter types to include this section.

Step 3

You’ll now see the list of search results narrow to include only files that are unprocessed. To review each file, click on the ellipsis to the right side of the file row.

Step 4

From the dropdown that appears select, ‘View details.

Step 5

You’ll now see a file details panel appear on the right side of your screen where you can view all details available for that file.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence