Managing User Roles and Permissions in Onna
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Managing User Roles and Permissions in Onna

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Article summary

In this article you will learn how to:

  • Create a New User

  • View and Manage Users

  • Lock and Unlock Users

  • Remove a User

  • User Roles and Special Permissions

How to Create a New User

Follow the steps below to create a new user in your Onna site:

Step 1:

From the main menu select ‘User management’.

Step 2:

Once on the ‘User management’ page, click the ‘Add user’ icon in the upper right corner of your screen. add-user.png

Step 3:

Type in the email address of the user you want to add (a). You will see the email address populate below the User emails field. Then, click the blue ‘Invite to Onna’ button (b).

The default role assigned to users added is Member.. To change this role, see How to View and Manage Users.

When a new user is added they will receive an email letting them know they’ve been invited which will include an activation link. The activation link in the invite lasts 24 hours. After that, the user must request a new password.

How to View and Manage Users

There may be times when you need to manage a user’s role, special permissions, or add a user to a group. To view and manage your users, follow the steps below:

Viewing Users

From the ‘User management’ page you will be able to view details about all of your users including:

  1. Their Name

  2. Their Account ID (typically their email address)

  3. Their role in Onna

  4. Any special permissions they have been assigned

  5. Any user groups they are a part of

Change User Role

To modify a user’s role select the user you want to manage and in the ‘Role’ column click on their current role. From here a drop-down will appear and you can select a new role for the user.

For a comprehensive list of access associated with each user role see User Roles and Special Permissions.

Add or Remove Special Permissions

To add or remove special permissions select the user you want to manage and click in the ‘Special Permissions’. From here you will see a list of possible special permissions. Any item that is checked is special permission that the user has available to them. To add, simply put a check in the box. To remove, simply uncheck the box.

For a comprehensive list of access associated with each user role see User Roles and Special Permissions.

Add to User Groups: Step 1

To add a user to a user group, navigate to the ‘User Groups’ column and click ‘+ Add to group’

Add to User Groups: Step 2

From here a new window will appear where you will either select individual group(s) to add them to by putting a check in the box next to the group or click ‘Select all’ in the upper right corner of the screen to add the user to all existing user groups.

Then, you will click the blue ‘Done’ button.

You can learn more about Creating and Managing User Groups in our help center.

How to Lock and Unlock Users

There are times when you may want a user to no longer have access to your Onna site. In these cases you can either lock or remove users. Locking a user will prevent a user from logging in and using Onna, but will keep all the sources they set up and the data collected from those sources. Locking a user is preferable to removing if you want the data that the user brought into your site to stay in your site. Additionally, there may be an instance where you want to enable the user to return to your Onna site and use it again. Locking enables you to have the option to ‘unlock’ the user and allow them back to your site with their previous role and permissions intact.

To lock or unlock users, follow the steps below:

Lock a User:

From the ‘User management’ page navigate to the user you want to lock and click the ‘Lock’ icon to the right of the user’s row. You will then see a red lock appear indicating that the user is locked and no longer has access to Onna.

Unlock a User:

From the ‘User management’ page navigate to the user you want to unlock and click the red ‘Lock’ icon to the right of the user’s row. You will then see the red lock turn back into a gray lock indicating that the user is unlocked and once again has access to Onna.

How to Remove a User

If you want to permanently delete a user from Onna you can remove the user.

It is important to understand that if you remove a user from Onna all the sources the user added will also be deleted along with the data within those sources and we will not be able to recover it. If you need the sources and data to remain in Onna you should lock the user rather than remove them.

To remove a user follow the steps below:

Step 1:

From the ‘User management’ page navigate to the user you want to remove and click the ‘Remove’ icon to the right of the user’s row.

Step 2:

You will now see a pop-up appear asking you to confirm that you want to permanently delete the user and all sources and data added by that user. To confirm and delete the user, click the red trash can icon.

User Roles and Special Permissions

Below you will find a list of all roles and special permissions available in Onna. The user role and special permissions apply to the permissions they have available at the platform level.

Apart from the role each user has at a platform level, core elements like workspaces and sources have their own set of permissions. The ability of each user to see the data contained in them is determined by their element-specific permission, not by their platform-level role.

Onna Roles

Onna has four types of users available:



Additional Information


  • Access to the Admin console

  • Manage users

  • Manage source settings

  • Manage account settings

  • Manage sources (based on permission)

  • Manage workspaces (based on permission)

  • Export data (based on permission)

Account Holder

Same as Admin, plus:

  • Manage billing info

There can be only one account holder. If you want to transfer this role, contact our support team.


  • Manage workspaces (based on permission)

  • Manage sources (based on permission)

  • Export data (based on permission)

Default role assigned to new users within your organization.


  • View workspaces sources, or data that they were granted access to

  • Default role assigned to new users outside your organization.

  • Identity searching is not available for guest users

Developer API

  • Create API credentials

Once the role of Developer API has been removed from a user, the user’s API credentials are no longer valid and the developer can no longer re-generate an access token.

Special permissions

You can assign special permissions to users. Special permissions grant access to additional features or the ability to perform some tasks. You can define special permissions for each user in the User management section.

Here’s the list of available permissions:



Audit logs

See the Audit Logs section in the platform and use the feature. Please note: Admins have access to this without needing the special permission enabled.

Create preservation

Ability to create preservations. Users still see the Preservations section in the platform even when this permission is not granted, but will not be able to create a preservation. They can, however, view preservations that have been shared with them. For more info, see the article Preservation in Onna.

Note: The use of this special permission requires the preservation feature to be enabled.

Manage Custom Fields

See the Custom fields section in the platform and manage custom fields for workspaces, sources, and files. For more info, see the article, Adding custom fields.

Note: The use of this special permission requires the custom fields feature to be enabled.

Please note: Admins have access to this without needing the special permission enabled.

Manage Enterprise Sources

This permission allows authorized connections to be shared with an Onna member which enables the member user to add enterprise sources using the shared authorized connection. Members with this special permission will only see available enterprise sources that they have an authorized connection for, rather than all enterprise sources available within your organization.

To learn more, see the articles Creating and Managing Authorized Connections and Getting Started with Sources.

Manage Legal Holds

This special permission allows users with a non-admin role to manage matters in the Integrated Legal Holds feature including, editing matter details, adding custodians, holds and notifications.

Manage Groups

See the ‘Group management’ section in the platform and ability to manage user groups.

This permission gives the user visibility over the entire list of users in the platform.

Note: Admins don’t see the ‘Group management’ section because they have access to the entire ‘User management’ feature.

Please note: Admins have access to this without needing the special permission enabled.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence