Source Holds in Onna
  • 26 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Source Holds in Onna

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Article summary

In this article:

  • How to Add a New Source Hold

  • How to View Source Hold Details

  • How to View and Search Held Sources

  • How to Download Source Hold Audit in CSV

  • How to Finish a Source Hold

  • How to Delete a Source Hold

How to Add a New Source Hold

Once data is collected into Onna you may need to place that data on hold. You’re able to create source holds in the following ways:

  • Place entire sources on hold

  • Place all sources that have been added by a specific Onna user on hold.

The source holds feature is particularly helpful for retaining information that would otherwise be removed from Onna due to retention policies in the native application, Slack Enterprise mirror syncs, and retention policies set in Onna. This means that, regardless of any retention policies set, data included in a source hold within Onna will remain in Onna until you decide to remove it.

If you want to retain data from specific custodians in Slack Enterprise, Google Workspace, Quip Enterprise, or Microsoft Teams Enterprise, it is recommended that you use the Preservation feature rather than the Source Hold feature.

Please Note: In order to use the Source Hold feature, the data you want to retain must already be in Onna.

In order to use the ‘Source Hold’ feature, an Onna admin must enable this feature in the ‘Configuration’ section of the ‘Admin preferences’ page.

To add a new source hold follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu.

Step 2

Once on the ‘Source hold’ page, click on the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 3

You’ll now see the ‘Create new source hold’ window appear. In this window you’ll first name your new source hold in the ‘Source hold name’ field (a). Then, click the blue ‘Next’ button in the lower right corner of the window (b).

Step 4

On the next page, you’ll select the Onna users who are the owners of the sources you want to place on hold.

To select users you can either type their name in the search bar at the top of the window (a), select users from a CSV (b), select all users listed (c), or select individual users from the list by putting a checkmark next to their name (d).

If you choose to add users via a CSV, the CSV file should not include column headers. It should only have one column that includes the email addresses of the users you want to include.

Step 5

You’ll then decide if you want to notify users that their sources have been put on hold. If so, put a check in the box next to ‘Notify source hold to users’ (a). Then, click on the blue ‘Next’ button in the bottom right corner of the window (b).

Step 6

On the next screen you’ll decide which sources, associated with the users you selected in step 4, you’d like to place on hold. Put a check in the box next to all sources you want to include in the source hold (a). Then, click on the blue ‘Done’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen (b).

Step 7

You’ll now see your new source hold appear in your list of source holds.

How to View Source Hold Details

Once you’ve created a source hold it is possible to view the details of that source hold. The data you’re able to view includes:

  • Total files- total number of files

  • Total Data- total size of the files

  • Started on- date and time the legal hold started

  • Finished on- date and time the legal hold was set to finish

  • Users selected- Onna users selected to be put on legal hold

  • Sources selected- data sources selected to be put on legal hold

To view source hold details, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu.

Step 2

Next, click on the name of the source hold you want to view details for.

Step 3

You’ll now see a window appear with details for your source hold.

How to View and Search Held Sources

After creating your source hold, you’re able to view all the data included within that hold and search across only that data.

When a source is under legal hold, new files can still be added to the source. If an updated file replaces an existing file, the new updated file is synced and the previous version(s) of that file are tracked. See our file versioning guide for more information.

To view held sources, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the source hold you want to view held sources for (b).

Step 2

From the menu that appears, select ‘View held sources’.

Step 3

You’ll then be directed to all files associated with sources included in this hold. From here you’re able to search across only the data included in this hold.

How to Download Source Hold Audit in CSV

Once a source is on hold you’re able to download audits containing system logs of files added to the source(s) since the source hold started. These logs include the following fields:

  • When- The date the file was collected by the source

  • Type- The name of the connector the data source is using to collect data

  • File- The local file ID associated with the file in Onna

  • Summary- The status of each file

  • Message- Clarifying information related to the status summary of each file

  • Log Level- The type of summary status for the file

  • User- The Onna user who create the source the file is syncing from

  • File URL- the URL of the file in the native application

To download source hold audits, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the source hold you want to download an audit CSV for (b).

Step 2

From the menu that appears, select ‘Download audit in CSV’. Your audit will immediately download.

How to Finish a Source Hold

To end a source hold, you must return to the ‘Source hold’ section and end that source hold manually. Once a source hold is finished the data associated with the sources that were included, will then follow typical retention settings related to that data and will be able to be removed from Onna.

To finish a source hold, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the source hold you want to finish (b).

Step 2

From the menu that appears, select ‘Finish source hold’.

Step 3

You’ll then see a pop up appear asking you to confirm that you want to finish the source hold. To confirm and continue finishing the source hold, click on the blue ‘Finish source hold’ button.

Step 4

You’ll then see the hold status change from ‘Active’ to ‘Finished’ in the ‘Hold status’ column.

How to Delete a Source Hold

If you wish to completely remove the source hold as well as the details associated with the hold, you’re able to delete a source hold. This action removes the listed source hold and any audit information related to it. This does not delete the sources within the source hold.

To delete a source hold, follow the steps below:

Step 1

To begin, click on ‘Source hold’ in the main menu (a). Then, click on the ellipsis to the right of the source hold you want to delete (b).

Step 2

From the menu that appears, select ‘Delete’.

Step 3

You’ll then see a pop up appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the source hold. To confirm and continue deleting the source hold, click on the red ‘Delete source hold’ button.


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