UI Searchable Fields List
  • 20 Aug 2024
  • 12 Minutes to read
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UI Searchable Fields List

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Article summary


Friendly Name: UUID, Field Name: uuid- Universally unique identifier assigned to a resource by Onna

Friendly Name: , Field Name: type_name- Type of file assigned by Onna (e.g. image, conversation, document)

Friendly Name: Title, Field Name: title- The file name of a resource (will not include extension)

Friendly Name: Last update, Field Name: modification_date- The date a resource was last modified in Onna

Friendly Name: Added to Onna, Field Name: creation_date- The date a file was added (or created) in Onna

Friendly Name: parent_uuid, Field Name: parent_uuid- The Unique identifier assigned to a parent file resource by Onna.

Friendly Name: name, Field Name: name - The database identifier of the parent datasource, that appears in the url for the resource. It is unique in the path, but not unique across the database.

Friendly Name: parent_title, Field Name: parent_title- The title of the resource’s parent data source

Friendly Name: parent_datasource.id, Field Name: parent_datasource.id- The database identifier of the parent datasource that appears in the url for the resource. It is unique in the path, but not unique across the database.

Friendly Name: parent_datasource.title, Field Name: parent_datasource.title- The title of the resource's parent data source

Friendly Name: parent_workspace.id, Field Name: parent_workspace.id- The database identifier of the parent workspace that appears in the url for the resource. It is unique in the path, but not unique across the database.

Friendly Name: parent_workspace.title, Field Name: parent_workspace.title- The title of the resource's parent workspace. If a resource exists in multiple workspaces it is considered a separate resource for each workspace.

Friendly Name: parent_workspace.uuid, Field Name: parent_workspace.uuid- The unique database identifier of the parent workspace. It is unique across the database.

Friendly Name: parent_workspace.path, Field Name: parent_workspace.path- The database path to a workspace including “workspace” such that would be “workspace/workspace-name”. By name here, this means the database name, not title of the workspace.

Friendly Name: parent_user.id, Field Name: parent_user.id- The user id of the user who created the data source that the resource is a part of, if the data source was created under a user account.

Friendly Name: parent_user.title, Field Name: parent_user.title- The name of the user who created the data source that the resource is a part of, if the data source was created under a user account.

Friendly Name: Has attachments, Field Name: has_attachments- True/false value, if the resource has attachments

Friendly Name: Size of the resource calculated upon creation, Field Name: initial_size- Size of the file in kb when the resource was created

Friendly Name: Title of the resource, Field Name: computed_title- Generally the same as the title of the file, however this is the computed title of the file and there may be formatting changes to clean up special characters within the file name.

Friendly Name: parent_origin_resource_kind, Field Name: parent_origin_resource_kind- The file type of a resource's parent. Examples include conversation/slack.channel or post/workplace.

Friendly Name: parent_content_type, Field Name: parent_content_type- The type of resource the parent file is to a child. For example, if a child PDF file came from a zip, the parent content type would be zip.


Friendly Name: Creators, Field Name: creators- The email address responsible for creating the resource

Friendly Name: Tags, Field Name: tags- List of tag values associated with a resource

Friendly Name: Effective date, Field Name: effective_date- The date and time that an object should be published.

Friendly Name: Expiration date, Field Name: expiration_date- The date and time that the object should become unpublished.

Friendly Name: Description, Field Name: description- The value associated with the document's comments field


Friendly Name: Renewed version, Field Name: renewed_version

Friendly Name: Contract origin, Field Name: contract_origin

Friendly Name: Contract number, Field Name: contract_number

Friendly Name: Hierarchy type, Field Name: hierarchy_type

Friendly Name: Master agreement, Field Name: master_agreement

Friendly Name: Engagement type, Field Name: engagement_type

Friendly Name: Includes privacy data, Field Name: includes_privacy_data

Friendly Name: Legal entity, Field Name: legal_entity

Friendly Name: External party, Field Name: external_party

Friendly Name: Deal summary, Field Name: deal_summary

Friendly Name: Contract status, Field Name: contract_status

Friendly Name: Preparer, Field Name: preparer

Friendly Name: Contract owner, Field Name: contract_owner

Friendly Name: Contract requested, Field Name: contract_requested

Friendly Name: Legal approver, Field Name: legal_approver

Friendly Name: Departments, Field Name: departments

Friendly Name: Amount, Field Name: amount

Friendly Name: Amount currency, Field Name: amount_currency

Friendly Name: Term type, Field Name: term_type

Friendly Name: First renewal notification, Field Name: first_renewal_notification

Friendly Name: First expiration notification, Field Name: first_expiration_notification

Friendly Name: Notification frequency, Field Name: notification_frequency

Friendly Name: Manager expiration notification, Field Name: manager_expiration_notification

Friendly Name: Clean contract, Field Name: clean_contract

Friendly Name: Comments, Field Name: comments

Friendly Name: Approvers, Field Name: approvers_and_signatories

Friendly Name: Subscribers, Field Name: subscribers

Friendly Name: Legacy contract number, Field Name: legacy_contract_number

Friendly Name: Contract type, Field Name: contract_type

Friendly Name: Contract subtype, Field Name: contract_subtype

Friendly Name: Contract requestor, Field Name: contract_requestor


Friendly Name: Conversation ID, Field Name: thread_id- Text identifier field used to identify the conversation

Friendly Name: Conversation name, Field Name: thread_name- For conversations with a channel name, the channel name, otherwise a descriptor for the type of conversation.

Friendly Name: Conversation type, Field Name: thread_type- Categorizes the kind of conversation. For Slack this includes channels, groups (private channels), or DMs (direct messages). For Teams, channels or chat.

Friendly Name:  Conversation Description, Field Name: conversation_conversation description -  A description of the conversation.

Friendly Name:  Conversion Topic, Field Name: conversation_conversation topic- A description of the conversation topic.

Folder Data

Friendly Name: Parent folder, Field Name: parent_folder- The name of the parent folder for a resource in its native platform

Friendly Name: Path to original file, Field Name: orig_path- The path to the original file in its native platform


Friendly Name: favorites, Field Name: favorites- File is "favorited" by the user


Friendly Name: URL to original file, Field Name: origin- The URL path where the file is located in its original platform.

Friendly Name: Synced folder or label ID in source, Field Name: origin_label_ids- The folder or label where a resource is located. Examples include channel IDs where Slack conversations are located or folders within Dropbox or Google Drive.

Friendly Name: Source {{type}} ID, Field Name: origin_id- The id of the record in the source platform

Friendly Name: Source {{type}} created on, Field Name: origin_date_created- The date the record was created in the source

Friendly Name: Type of resource, Field Name: origin_resource_kind- Categorizes the resource. For example, Slack may include conversation/slack channel, ticket/zendesk

Friendly Name: The resource includes deletions, Field Name: origin_has_deletions- True/false value that indicates if the file includes deletions or not

Friendly Name: The resource includes editions, Field Name: origin_has_editions- True/false value that indicates if the file includes edits or not

Friendly Name: The resource includes reactions, Field Name: origin_has_reactions- True/false value that indicates if the file includes reactions or not

Friendly Name: The resource was archived, Field Name: origin_is_archived- True/false value that indicates if the email (e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Slack, Zendesk, and Quip) file was archived

Friendly Name: Folder Path, Field Name: origin_folder_path- The folder path in the source platform

Friendly Name: The resource was deleted, Field Name: origin_is_deleted- True/false value that indicates if the record was deleted

Friendly Name: Source {{type}} deleted on, Field Name: origin_date_deleted- Date the record was deleted

Friendly Name: The resource is in legal hold, Field Name: origin_is_legally_held- True/false value that indicates if the file is on legal hold (only for Slack)

Friendly Name: origin_folder, Field Name: origin_folder- The folder in the source platform


Friendly Name: Author, Field Name: author- the name of the person who created the file, if available

Friendly Name: Company, Field Name: company- Company of record, extracted from metadata in the file from Microsoft Office Documents

Friendly Name: Processed in Onna, Field Name: processing_date- Processing date of the resource in Onna, empty if not processed

Friendly Name: Processing exception, Field Name: processing_exception- The processing exception received if there is an exception generated during processing. To learn more, see the article “Onna Processing Exceptions.”

Friendly Name: File name, Field Name: resource_name- The file name of the resource

Friendly Name: File title, Field Name: processing_title- The title of the file from Microsoft Office Documents.

Friendly Name: Application name, Field Name: application_name- The name of the application that created the document (ie.Microsoft Excel, Word, etc.)

Friendly Name: File size, Field Name: content_length- Size of the file in kb

Friendly Name: Content type, Field Name: content_type- The type of file assigned by Onna (e.g. image, conversation, document)

Friendly Name: Extension, Field Name: extension- The file extension. For example, .pdf, .jpg, .docx, etc

Friendly Name: MD5 hash, Field Name: md5- The MD5 Hash of the file

Friendly Name: File creation, Field Name: date_created- The file creation date in origin. If unavailable, then from the embedded metadata. If both are unavailable, the date created in Onna.

Friendly Name: File last modified, Field Name: date_modified- The file modified date in origin. If unavailable, then from the embedded metadata. If both are unavailable, the date created in Onna.

Friendly Name: Embedded file creation date, Field Name: embedded_created_date- The file creation date from embedded metadata within the document

Friendly Name: Embedded file modification date, Field Name: embedded_modified_date- The file modification date from embedded metadata within the document

Friendly Name: Embedded printed date, Field Name: embedded_printed_date- The last printed date from embedded metadata within the document

Friendly Name: Embedded author, Field Name: embedded_author- The author from embedded metadata within the document

Friendly Name: Embedded last author/modified by, Field Name: embedded_modified_by- The last author from embedded metadata within the document

Friendly Name: Extracted text, Field Name: extracted_text - The extracted text of the resource also known as the "full text" limited to 10MB in length for search.


Friendly Name: Origin tag/label names, Field Name: xtag_names- The tags associated with a document from various sources. ex. Gmail labels


Friendly Name: Labels, Field Name: confluence_labels- List of label keywords associated with the space or file

Friendly Name: Space ID, Field Name: confluence_space- The text identifier field used to identify the space

Friendly Name: Space name, Field Name: confluence_space_name- Name of the Confluence space

Friendly Name: Space type, Field Name: confluence_space_type- How a Confluence space is categorized. For example, global or personal

Friendly Name: Ancestors of file, Field Name: confluence_ancestors- Parent pages associated with a file within Confluence


Friendly Name: Workspace ID, Field Name: eslack_workspace_id- The text identifier field used to identify the workspace

Friendly Name: Workspace name, Field Name: eslack_workspace_name- The name of a workspace in Slack


Friendly Name: Project key, Field Name: jira_thread_id- The text identifier field used to identify the project.

Friendly Name: Project name, Field Name: jira_thread_name- The name of a project

Friendly Name: Project type, Field Name: jira_thread_type- How a project is categorized in Jira. For example, software, business, or service desk

Friendly Name: JSON Message, Field Name: jira_assignee- The assignee who is currently the owner of the project/issue

Mail (used for Gmail, Outlook, IMAP)

Friendly Name: Email ID, Field Name: mail_message_id- The unique message ID used to identify the email. Note: This is not available in Gmail.

Friendly Name: Email subject, Field Name: mail_subject- The subject text of the sent email

Friendly Name: Email from, Field Name: from_mail- The from email address that sent the email (ex. [email protected])

Friendly Name: Email from name, Field Name: from_mail_name- The from email display that sent the email (ex. John Doe)

Friendly Name: Email to, Field Name: to_mail- The to email address recipient(s) (ex. [email protected])

Friendly Name: Email to name, Field Name: to_mail_name- The do display name recipient(s) (ex. John Doe)

Friendly Name: Email Cc, Field Name: cc_mail- The carbon copy email address recipient(s) (ex. [email protected])

Friendly Name: Email Cc name, Field Name: cc_mail_name-The carbon copy display name recipient(s) (ex. John Doe)

Friendly Name: Email Bcc, Field Name: bcc_mail- The blind carbon copy email address recipient(s) (ex. [email protected])

Friendly Name: Email Bcc name, Field Name: bcc_mail_name- The blind carbon copy display name recipient(s) (ex. John Doe)


Friendly Name: Message conversation ID, Field Name: messageconversation_id- The ID of the conversation from the source platform

Friendly Name: Message conversation name, Field Name: messageconversation_name- The name of the conversation from the source platform

Friendly Name: Message conversation type, Field Name: messageconversation_type- The type of conversation from the source platform (ex. Channel, group, DM, MPIM)


Friendly Name: List of folders, Field Name: shared_folders-The list of folder IDs and names that a Quip document belongs to


Friendly Name: Ticket ID, Field Name: zendesk_thread_id- The reference number or ID to identify the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket name, Field Name: zendesk_thread_name- The title or name of the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket type, Field Name: zendesk_thread_type- The category that the ticket is classified as. For example, incident, problem, question, task

Friendly Name: Organization ID, Field Name: zendesk_organization_id- The ID of an organization

Friendly Name: Ticket status, Field Name: zendesk_status- The status of the ticket. For example, new, open, or pending

Friendly Name: Ticket responsible, Field Name: zendesk_assignee- The assigned user or group to the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket requester, Field Name: zendesk_requester- The user who requested the ticket

Friendly Name: Group membership, Field Name: zendesk_group- The group the ticket is assigned to. For example, support

Friendly Name: Tags, Field Name: zendesk_tags- List of tags associated with a ticket.

Friendly Name: Ticket priority, Field Name: zendesk_priority- The assigned priority of the ticket. For example, normal, high, or urgent


Friendly Name: Ticket type, Field Name: ticket_type- The assigned type of the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket priority, Field Name: ticket_priority- The assigned priority of the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket category, Field Name: ticket_category- The category that the ticket is classified as

Friendly Name: Ticket subcategory, Field Name: ticket_subcategory- The subcategory that thie ticket is classified as

Friendly Name: Tags, Field Name: ticket_tags- The list of tags associated to the ticket in the origin

Friendly Name: Reactions, Field Name: ticket_reactions- The reactions added to a ticket

Friendly Name: Assignees, Field Name: ticket_assignees- The users who the ticket is assigned to

Friendly Name: Ticket requester, Field Name: ticket_requester- The user who requested the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket assignee group, Field Name: ticket_assignee_group- The group the ticket is assigned to

Friendly Name: Ticket description, Field Name: ticket_description- The section where the user ticket is described in detail

Friendly Name: Ticket severity, Field Name: ticket_severity- The severity of the ticket

Friendly Name: Ticket updater, Field Name: ticket_updater- the last user updated for the ticket

Friendly Name: Followers, Field Name: ticket_followers- The followers of the ticket resources


Friendly Name: Detected language, Field Name: language- detected language used within the file

Friendly Name: Sentiment polarity, Field Name: sentiment- Detects the level of positivity or negativity in a document. This is represented as a numerical value that can be negative (negativity) or positive (positivity) from -1.00 to 1.00.

Friendly Name: NIST file, Field Name: nist- A true/false value indicating if there are files on the NIST list. The NIST list contains a collection of digital signatures of known, traceable, software applications to identify files with no evidentiary value.

Friendly Name: Sentiment subjectivity, Field Name: sentiment_subjectivity-Detects if the file is subjective or objective. Values can be 0 (objective) or 1 (Subjective)

RelatedUsers (used for Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Quip)

Friendly Name: Related Users Emails, Field Name: related_users_emails- The email addresses associated with the conversations/comments

Friendly Name: Related Users Names, Field Name: related_users_names- The names associated with the conversations/comments and expanded users.

Friendly Name: List of related users, Field Name: related_users- A list of related users associated with the conversations or comments


Friendly Name: Preservation, Field Name: legal_holds- Legal hold tag applied to content


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence