Optional Project Information
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Optional Project Information

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Article summary

The Project Module page displays a left navigation panel (a Sidebar) to access sections that help to consolidate details pertaining to the project. For each section, the corresponding details will appear on the Main view. By default, the Summary of the project is displayed in the Main view.


Selecting Documents on the Sidebar displays the list of documents relating to the project and uploaded, such as complaint/petition copies, subpoenas, and notices.

The user can perform the following actions from the Project Documents page:

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

  1. Add New Documents

  2. Edit Document

  3. Export List of Documents

Documents may be added using drag and drop or Browse. In addition, a Description may be added, and optionally, if known, details about who issued the document on what date, and who received the document on what date.


Selecting Counsel on the Sidebar displays the list of counsel associated with the selected project. The Counsel page displays both in-house as well as outside counsel.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

By default, the Inhouse radio button is selected, and the page displays the list of counsel from within the organization. Selecting the Outside radio button displays counsel from outside the organization. Each row in the in-house counsel grid displays the name of the Counsel, Department, Title, the counsel’s Email Address, Date Joined, Date Terminated and Status of the counsel.

The user can perform the following actions from the Counsel page:

  1. Assign Inhouse Counsel

  2. Assign Outside Counsel

  3. Add a New Law Firm

  4. Add a New Outside Counsel

  5. Remove Counsel

  6. Search Counsel

To assign In-house counsel, click the +In-house Counsel button. This will open the Employees list under the Administration module. To locate Inhouse Counsel from this list, we use the Filter control at the right edge of the table, here entering legal.

We can then check any or all of the individuals retrieved and click Add to Project. The result will be the Counsel screen seen above in this section.

Other Party

Selecting Other Party on the Sidebar displays the list of other parties associated with the selected project. If the user’s organization is a plaintiff in the project, the other party details would be that of the defendant. Similarly, if the user’s organization is a defendant in the project, the other party details would be that of the plaintiff. The other party in a project could be an enterprise, individual, tribunal or government. The grid displays the name of the Party, Department, Party Type, and Status.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

The user can perform the following actions from the Other Party page:

  1. Assign Other Party

  2. Add a New Other Party

  3. Remove Assigned Other Party

  4. View Other Party Contacts


The Court section comprises the list of courts under whose jurisdiction the project is listed. This is an optional section where users can enter court details for a project. The grid displays the name of the Court, Country, and City of the assigned court, along with Status of whether the court is active or inactive.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

The user can perform the following actions from the Court page:

  1. Assign a court/forum.

  2. Add a new court/forum.

  3. Remove a court/forum.


The History section provides a filterable, exportable view of actions taken for the project.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Actions which may be seen and filtered here include:

  1. All

  2. Data Management – Collection

  3. Data Management – General

  4. Data Management – IPP

  5. Data Management – Identification

  6. Legal Hold

  7. Nuix Processing – General

  8. Project – Court

  9. Project – Custodians

  10. Project – Data Ranges

  11. Project – Documents

  12. Project – Inhouse Counsel

  13. Project – Keywords

  14. Project – Other Party

  15. Project – Outside Counsel

  16. Projects


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