- 31 Jul 2024
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User Roles Permission Guide
- Updated on 31 Jul 2024
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The tools and tasks available to a user in Reveal Hold are prescribed by the Roles assigned to the user, and the permissions associated with that role. There are five Standard User Roles in Reveal Hold. Custom Roles can be developed by Admins extending or combining role permissions assigned to a user.
The tables below set out the Standard User Roles and a sample of popular Custom User Roles. In the following pages we will set out the permissions associated with Standard User Roles in detail.
Standard User Roles
User Role | Description |
LegalUser | Legal User is responsible for managing case and legal hold information and creating production requests. They have full access to the Project and Legal hold modules and limited access to admin modules. |
LegalAdmin | Legal Admin has the same rights as Legal User and is assigned to projects as a backup for legal users at the time of case creation. |
eDiscuser | eDiscovery User is responsible for approving production requests for production set creations. They have full access to Data Management, Process Management, and Hosting. |
eDiscAdmin or eDiscManager | eDiscovery Admin is responsible for production set creation and assigning of production requests. They have full access to Data Management, Process Management, and Hosting but can only view Case Management and Notices. |
Admin | Admin is responsible for setting up user accounts, assigning user roles, and has full access to Admin modules. |
Custom User Roles
User Role | Description |
CaseApprover | Case Approver can approve assigned cases and has access only to the Approval module. |
LegalApprovalUser | The legal approval user has access rights of a legal user with approval permission. |
Superuser | The Superuser has full access to all the modules. |
Outside Counsel | Outside Counsel will have limited access to the Ligl modules. They can create and edit interview notes in the legal hold module. |
Executive | Executive user has view access to the different Ligl modules along with legal hold approval permission. |
ERMG User | Enterprise Risk Management Group (ERMG) user has access rights of a LegalAdmin user with legal hold approval permission. |
Standard User Role Permission Details
User Role permissions are set out below in a matrix with Reveal Hold application modules.
Key | x = Full access | v = View access | [blank] = No access |
User Role | Matter Management | Legal Hold Management | Data Management | Review Management | Report Management |
LegalUser | x | x | x | x | |
LegalAdmin | x | x | x | x | |
eDiscuser | x | x | |||
eDiscAdmin or eDiscManager | v | v | x | x | x |
Admin | x | x | x | x | x |