Display Items in Presentation
  • 22 Nov 2024
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Display Items in Presentation

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Article summary

In the Presentation windows, you can display items using a variety of methods. Practice loading items using these methods to determine which one is best for you. Before you begin using any of these methods, ensure you understand the Presentation Zones.

As you load an item, the status icon on the right end of the Presentation Toolbar indicates what is happening.

On the far right side of the Presentation Toolbar, an icon indicates the system status when you load an item. If you prefer to hide this icon, you can do so in Presentation Preferences > Stage > Toolbar Preferences (Show User Feedback option).

Appears briefly to indicate the system is finished loading the item.

Appears if the system cannot locate the referenced file. If the item is located on external media or a network drive, ensure it is accessible.

Appears if the item does not exist in the database.

TRIAL DIRECTOR Presentation is used to display the items in a case on any supported screen in professional and engaging ways.

Presentation options include:

  • Displaying several items on the screen at once

  • Playing back synchronized transcript and video

  • Preparing an item in Presentation Preview before displaying it on the main screen

  • Calling up items on demand for dynamic and adaptive presentations

TRIAL DIRECTOR Presentation is a powerful and versatile tool that puts you in control of the courtroom.

Opening a case in Presentation provides access to display any items included in the case.

Use FreeForm

To use FreeForm:

  1. Load all items on to the Presentation stage (or in Presentation Preview).

  2. Click the FreeForm tool on the Quick Access Toolbar.

  3. Reposition, resize, or scale any of the items on the stage.

  4. Add any annotations or projection callouts.

  5. If desired, create a Screen Snapshot or Save Stage to preserve the stage for presentation later. Or, if using Presentation Preview, click Present Preview to send the FreeForm stage over to the Presentation display for immediate presentation.

Below is an example of a FreeForm stage.

Dual vs. Single Monitor

The way the presentation window displays depends on the display settings selected in EVIDENCE User Preferences. It is best to work with Presentation in dual monitor mode for all the options of working with case items to be available. However, it is also possible to use Presentation on a single monitor, though all the preview options before presenting items in a case will not be usable.


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