Work with the Clips Work Area
  • 01 Nov 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Work with the Clips Work Area

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Article summary

The Clips Work Area allows you to work with individual clips. To open the Clips Work Area, select a clip from the Clips Explorer and click the Open Clip button in the Clips Explorer ribbon bar. The Clips Work Area appears with the selected clip populated inside.

The following actions and fields are available for the clip:

Ribbon Bar



Add Segment

When clicked, the Add Clip Segment dialog appears.

You can enter the Start Page:Line reference and the End Page:Line reference of the segment range and then click the Save button in the dialog. The segment is then added to the clip.

Play Segment

To play a single segment of the clip, select a segment from the Clip Segments section.

Then you can click the Play Segment button. The segment then immediately plays in the media player.

Remove Segment

To remove a segment from a clip in the work area, select a segment from the Clip Segments section.

Then you can click the Remove Segment button. A confirmation dialog appears. After you click Yes, the segment is removed from the clip.

Play First/Last 3 Sec.

Often, it helps to see the contextual media when adjusting segment ranges. This option plays the first and last three seconds of each segment.

Transcript Preview

With this option selected, the text of the transcript from the selected segment appears in its own panel to the lower right of the window by default. You can close this panel if you wish.

Move Segment Up

Moves a selected segment one position up in the Clip Segments section.

Move Segment Down

Moves a selected segment one position down in the Clip Segments section.

Play Clip

Plays all of the segments in the clip.

Mark as Final

Marks the clip as final and turns the status icon of the clip to green.

Create New Clip

Opens a blank work area where you can drag and drop issue code or designation anchors and create a new clip.


Saves any changes made to the clip.

Note: Changes made in the work area are not saved until this button is clicked.


Cancels any changes made to the clip.


Closes the work area.

Clip Details




The transcript to which the Page:Line references in the clip apply.


The name of the clip.


The total duration of the clip. For example, 00:00:52:021 means the segments that make up the clip last for 0 hours, 0 minutes, 52 seconds, and 021 milliseconds.

Prev Clip

Clicking this button shows the clip that comes before the currently selected clip in the Clips Explorer.

Next Clip

Clicking this button shows the clip that comes after the currently selected clip in the Clips Explorer.

Segment Manager



Clip Segments

The Clip Segments area shows the segments that make up the clip. By selecting a segment, options to manage or manipulate the segment become active.

By clicking within a cell of the Punch In and Punch Out columns, the cell becomes editable for you to change the start and stop time of the selected segment.

You may also right-click on a segment to gain quick access to actions that can be taken on that segment.

Segment Start/End Time

These waveform editors populate when a segment is selected. They allow you to select precise start and end times for each segment.

Click the Play button for either the Segment Start or Segment End waveforms. During playback, a guide bar will move along with the waveform audio in order to help mark an accurate position to begin or end the segment.

To change the time, simply click within the waveform editor where you want the segment to begin. Then click the Set Start or Set End button below each respective waveform editor to plug the new time into the selected segment.

To save any changes, click the Save button.

For a more precise selection, you can use the buttons above each waveform editor:

  • Zoom In

  • Zoom Out

  • Restore Default Zoom

Punch In/Punch Out

The Punch In and Punch Out times show exactly when a segment starts and ends. The last digit of the seconds and all the milliseconds are clickable. By left-clicking one of these digits, the digit is decreased by 1. By right-clicking one of these digits, the digit it increased by 1. To lock in the new start or stop time, click the respective Set Start or Set End button.

To save any changes, click the Save button.

Set Start/Set End

When you make changes to segment's start and end times, you must click the corresponding Set Start or Set End button to lock in the new time.

In order for all changes to take effect, you must click the Save button in the ribbon bar.



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