Work with the Designation Work Area Ribbon Bar
  • 21 Nov 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Work with the Designation Work Area Ribbon Bar

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Article summary

The Designation Work Area allows you to easily apply designations to individual transcripts. To open the Designation Work Area, open the Designations Explorer and click the Launch Work Area button in the explorer ribbon bar.

The Designation Work Area appears. None of the fields within the work area are initially populated.

When populated, the work area will look like this:

The following actions and fields are available to apply and manage designations:

Designation Work Area Workflow

Use the following workflow to assign designation types and parties to page and line references within a transcript:

  1. Select a designation type and party using the dropdowns.

  1. Add page and line references.

    You can add page and line references using the following methods:

    • The Add Designation button in the ribbon bar

    • Drag and drop page and line references from explorers into the Designation Work Area

    • Import page and line references with an import file

  1. Click the Save button.

    Once you click the Save button in the work area ribbon bar, the designations are added to the Designations Explorer.


    In the Designations Explorer, you can view the designations by Designation, Party, or Deponent.

General Ribbon Bar



Add Designation

Opens the Add Designation dialog. From here, you can apply designation references to a transcript one at a time.

When the dialog appears, first select the transcript. Then, enter the Start Page:Line reference and the End Page:Line reference in their respective fields (e.g. 6:12, 7:10).

Import Designation

You can use this button to apply designations to a transcript using an import file. The import files contain the name of the transcript with the page and line references in a list below. An import file can look like this:

Multiple transcripts can populate the import file, but there must be at least one empty line between one transcript's group and the next.

To add the import file, click the Import Designation button. In the dialog that appears, click the Browse button. The local file explorer appears. Navigate to the file, select it, and open it. Then, click the Save button in the Import Designation dialog. The designations are added to the transcript indicated in the file.

Any errors in the import appear in the dialog.

Remove Designation

Removes a designation from the designation information list.

You must first select a designation from the list for the Remove button to become active.

Add Case Designation Type

Opens the Add Designation dialog to add a designation type to the case.

Remove Case Designation Type

Opens a listing of current case designation types that can be selected and removed.

Add Case Party

Opens the Add Party dialog to add a party to the case.

Remove Case Party

Opens a listing of current case parties that can be selected and removed.


Saves any changes made in the work area.  Note: Changes made in the work area are not saved until this button is clicked


Cancels any changes made in the work area since the work area was launched or from the last save point.


Closes the work area.

Designation Information and References




A list of all the designation types. Choose one designation type. Once the work area is saved, this type will be applied to the page line references that appear in the table.

Designated by

A list of all the case parties. Choose one party. Once the work area is saved, this party will be applied to the page line references that appear in the table.

Page and Line References

The page and line references that will receive the designation type and party selected above.

Add page and line references using the Add Designation button in the work area general ribbon bar or via drag and drop from other explorers.



Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence