Release Notes Version
  • 11 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Release Notes Version

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Article summary

Key Highlights

  • Containerization allows for faster and more efficient deployment.

  • Increased flexibility for users to define their own fields for each request type.

  • Multiple enhancements for managing legal holds.

  • Changes made to the Reporting database for increased performance, security, and integrity of data.

Release Details

Item Type






SharePoint GraphAPI enhancements.

Microsoft 365 - SharePoint was previously implemented with only PowerShell, it is now available with Graph.



Containerization implementation.

Implementation of containerization allows for faster and more efficient deployments.


Legal Hold Management

View Link displays legal hold notice workflow.

Previously, the database captured the complete history of a legal hold notice workflow. View Link is now available in the legal hold screen to display the complete workflow for each custodian.


Legal Hold Management

Initiate contact between custodians and legal hold managers in email.

There is a Request Contact button available in custodian legal hold notices to allow the user to send an email to the legal manager with contact details. This is for the purpose of initiating contact offline for clarifications.


Legal Hold Management

Prefix status with an icon in the legal hold screen shows requested contacts.

When a custodian has initiated a contact with the legal hold manager via the request button, the notice in the user interface will show an ask icon to indicate the same.


Legal Hold Management

Allow legal hold manager to remove the request contact icon from screen when clarification is provided.

The legal hold manager will have a provision available in the user interface to remove the prefix icon when the associated request has been clarified offline.


Legal Hold Management

Request contact provision in My Holds screen.

Custodians can acknowledge from the My Holds screen. The request contact option that is available there, serves the same functionality as a mail notice.



Privacy link navigation.

The privacy link that navigates to standard privacy policies is available on the login page.



Refactoring of the Reports Database.

The Reporting database has been refactored to enhance performance, improve security, and further protect the integrity of data.


Legal Hold Management

On-the-Fly edit screen enhancements.

A small change has been made to the On-the-Fly edit option to improve the user experience and ease of use. The template name is auto-generated and buttons/labels are renamed in the screen as new templates are created on the fly.


Legal Hold Management

Revoke Stealth status for legal hold notices.

The option to revoke pending notices was always available. This is now extended to Stealth, which allows a legal manager to revoke a stealth and send a legal hold notice if needed.



Employee Change Management Enhancements.

Provision of new report to list complete employee history changes. The employee change notification mail generated during auto-sync will now link to this report.


Request Tracker

Template creation for each request type.

Allow creation of different templates for each request type and link one or more custom fields.


Request Tracker

Define custom fields per template.

Allow definition of custom fields, these fields can be linked to the request templates created for the type of request.


Request Tracker

Creation request templates allow standard and custom fields.

The creation of a new request allows a user to choose a template, thereby allowing each request to have its own custom fields.


Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence