Change Evidence User Preferences
  • 05 Dec 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Change Evidence User Preferences

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Article summary

You set user preferences to make your experience in EVIDENCE more personalized and efficient. For example, you can set up custom clip naming options so that you don't have to manually name all the clips you have to create. EVIDENCE remembers what you want and performs accordingly.

EVIDENCE is also very flexible. If you use several different layouts for separate workflows, you can set up a different default layout for the workflow you use most often.

You can access your preferences by clicking the Evidence User Preferences button on the EVIDENCE Start Page. For navigation instructions see below:

Open Evidence User Preferences

  1. Click the EVIDENCE tab in the left navigation panel.

  2. On the EVIDENCE page, select the Evidence User Preferences button.


    Some preferences may not appear in the Web Portal.


The options in this tab explain themselves. Select an option to apply the setting.




Display issues as

The following options affect the way issue types are displayed within the Transcripts Explorer:

  • Hierarchy - Each issue type can be expanded in the explorer to view sub-issues associated with it.

  • Flattened - Each issue type and sub-issue type appear on the same level within the explorer (sub-issues of a parent issue type appear directly below the parent issue).

Show questions in bold text

With this option selected, question text within the transcript appears in bold. If not selected, the question text appears as normal.  

The Context option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.

Show answers in bold text

With this option selected, answer text within the transcript appears in bold. If not selected, answer text appears as normal.

The Context option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.

Show unspoken text in italics

With this option selected, unspoken text within the transcript appears in italics. If not selected, unspoken text appears as normal.

The Context option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.

Objections Color

Objections within the transcript appear with the selected color.

The Context option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.

Transcripts Scrolling Highlight Color

The highlight bar that scrolls with the multimedia in a digital video transcript appears with the selected color.

The Synchronization option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.

Number of Lines in Transcript Scrolling Highlight

This options sets the amount of lines covered by the highlight bar that scrolls with the multimedia in a digital video transcript.

The Synchronization option in the Show Annotations section of the Transcript Work Area ribbon bar must be selected.




Confirm Name and Description when creating a new Clip

When creating a new clip, if this option is selected a dialog box appears to allow you to change the name and description of the new clip. If not selected, the dialog will not appear, and you can quickly create clips without checking the name and description every time.

Use custom formatting for Clip Identifiers

With this option selected, when creating clips, each new clip will use the naming convention in the field. You can use tokens to make the naming process for clips even easier. Available tokens include:

  • <FI> - The first initial of the deponent's name

  • <LI> - The last initial of the deponent's name

  • <MM> - The month of the transcript's deposition date

  • <DD> - The day of the transcript's deposition date

  • <SP#> - The beginning page reference for the clip including the number of digits to use when displaying the page (e.g. A clip created on page 1 of the transcript, and with a naming setting of "<SP###>", would show "001")

  • <SL#> - The beginning line reference for the clip including the number of digits to use when displaying the line (e.g. A clip starting with line 1 of the transcript, and with a naming setting of "<SL###>", would show "001")

  • <#> - Each clip receives a number in the sequential order in which it was created (e.g. If the clip in question is the second clip to be created, and the custom formatting includes "<###>", the clip name would show "002")

Confirm before splitting Segments when manually creating clips

With this option selected, you will be prompted before any segments added to a clip are split according to the supplementary options below:

  • Split Segments at multimedia breaks - If a segment is created over a multimedia break in the digital video transcript, the segment will be split at the break point

  • Split Segments to exclude objections - If a segment includes an objection, with this option selected, the segment will be split to exclude the objection

  • Split Segments to exclude silence over (threshold) - If the segment includes a section of silence within the multimedia, the segment will be split if the duration of the silence exceeds the selected threshold (default threshold is 15 seconds)

Set the next workflow step once a clip has been finalized

Within the Clip Work Area, after setting the status of a clip as Finalized, the selected option will execute:

  • Do Nothing - The clip remains open in the Clip Work Area and no action is taken.

  • Close Clip - The Clip Work Area closes.

  • Move to Next Clip - The next clip in the Clips Explorer appears in the Clip Work Area.

Determine clip media playback behavior

Determine how the timer displays when playing clips in the Clip Work Area in EVIDENCE. You have two options to choose from:

  • Clip Duration - When you play a clip in the Clip Work Area with this option selected, the timer that appears in the bottom corner of the multimedia player begins at 0:00 and ticks up to cover the full duration of the clip. Individual punch-in and punch-out times for clip segments are ignored, and only the total clip duration itself displays.

  • Parent Media Duration - When you play a clip in the Clip Work Area with this option selected, the timer that appears in the bottom corner of the multimedia player starts at the punch-in time for each clip segment. When the clip moves from one clip segment to another, the timer changes to display the punch-in time for the new clip segment.




Saved Layouts

From this tab, you can change the name of a layout, remove a layout, or set a layout as default.

Note: Any layout can be set as the default layout, but the name of the layout set as the default layout cannot be changed and the layout itself cannot be removed.

To begin, select a layout, then click the button you want to use:

  • Edit - Opens the dialog to change the name of the layout, or set the layout as the default layout.

  • Remove - Removes the layout from the list.

  • Set Default - Sets the layout as the default layout.




Document Export Settings

The following settings are available to set the default selections when exporting document data:

  • Page

  • Status

  • Description

  • Exhibit No.

  • Trial Exhibit No.

  • Common Name


There are hotkeys that can be used when working with documents in EVIDENCE. You can easily change the hotkey combinations or reset hotkey combinations. You can also show the hotkey assignments in Notepad.

The table below displays the default hotkeys. To edit hotkeys, click on the hotkey you want to change and select a new keystroke on the keyboard. Click the Save button to implement the changes made to the hotkey selected.


If you change hotkey assignments via EVIDENCE User Preferences, your changes do not carry over into Presentation Preferences.




Apply Exhibit Label


Print Document


Save Annotations


Save Revision


Edit Annotations


Select Area Note Tool


Select Arrow Tool


Select Ellipse Tool


Select Freehand Tool


Select Highlight Tool


Select Line Tool


Select Rectangle Tool


Select Redaction Tool


Select "Select" Tool


Select Text Tool


Select Zoom Tool


Zoom In


Zoom Out


Zoom to Fit



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